Now see, that header isn't as random as it COULD be.
Because, see, we went to ROTS last night and when Ewan appears on the lizardy thing, Roo starts to sing, very, very quietly, "Me aaaaand the draaaagon . . ." I couldn't take the rest of the movie seriously.
Now, there were good parts. Most especially the last scenes on Tatooine. But on the whole? I may be the only person on Earth to remain unimpressed with the movie.
As for LOST? I'm barely resisting the urge to go overboard with the capslock, but OMG! Locke and the wheelchair. And WALT! And, and Charlie and the heroin . . . That last sequence, though? With everyone on the plane together (and Boone) killed me. Just. Dead.
And in other news, I've written something a little new (my first real deviation from swimslash since last August). I'll have NBA Slash up tonight or tomorrow. Yeah, you heard me.