Sooper Slashy Concert Review

Oct 24, 2004 11:08

Mornin' Sunshine :)

I've got that concert morning after feeling. Y'know? Shaky, sore, smelly. My shoulder hurts and I don't know (or don't remember) why, and I smell like I curled up and slept in and ashtray. Yech.

But it was worth it.

It started, of course, with getting lost.

A: Where is the Ogden, anyway?
Me: On the other side of the Wendy's from the Fillmore and down a couple of blocks from the Bluebird.
A: Are you sure?
Me: Yep.
A So which way do we turn here?
Me: (with utter certainty) Right.
A: This doesn't look familiar.
Me: Dammit.

So, after we turned around and found parking, we only caught the last half of the first band, Moments in Grace. But they still rocked. Really beautiful music.

Then, after much scuffling, Don't Look Down took the stage. And *guh* for thier slinky, sexy lead singer boy.

It couldn't be all love and light and pretty boys though, because Planes Mistaken For Stars were next, and I refuse to link you to them because they were SO bad. They killed all the energy and sucked all the life out of us.

But, never fear! We were saved by Alexis On Fire. And THAT was when things got interesting.

Their lead singer kept talking to some person right in front of the stage saying, "You're the star of the show, baby. If every one loved us like you, this crowd would ROCK."

I thought, *eew* screaming fangirl. But then he jumps into the audience and drags this person up and stage, and it's a GUY. He flings both arms around 'Ryan from Wisconsin' and says, "It's all about you tonight, honey." And the two of them dance together for the rest of the song. ALL over each other, and the last thing he says is, 'We'll go get drinks later--I know you're anxious, but I still got songs to sing, baby."

Things got better from there. The headliner was Hot Water Music, and after their first song the lead singer took a drink of his beer, did the 'Hello DENVER' thing, and then said. "Just wanted to let you know that we've released a new record on Epitaph. It's called It's Raining Men." *ba dum dum ching* The crowd went wild.

And that's it. It rocked me like the real thing.

concert review

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