Apr 20, 2004 21:57
If you could live anywhere, where would you and why?
I was about to say Cybertron. It is, if such a word can be applied to me, my home; the only home I can and will ever know. Earth is the first foreign planet I have ever set paw on; strange considering my age. Many Decepticons, xenophobics though they are, have sojourned to alien worlds before this one. Yet even they return to Cybertron as their only home.
However, the Cybertron I knew is gone. What exists now is an empty shell, a graveyard where Shockwave rules over ghosts and Empties. If and when - when! - Megatron revives Cybertron, it will still not be the same vibrant, tortured planet I knew.
Earth... for the most part, I neither love nor hate this planet. It is both intriguing and repulsive by turns, but more importantly our residence here is a temporary situation. No point in nostalgia.
I think the happiest I have been on Earth is the short period when Megatron took over New York City and began rebuilding it in Cybertron's image. It was not home, of course; only a fair-to-middling mockup. But it was a mockup we had created with our own power, on territory we had conquered. It was, would have been, a city of victory.
One day, when Earth has been conquered, I would like to reside here if it were possible. To spend each day treading upon a planet we crushed and rebuilt... to remember the victories. That would be my ideal home.