(no subject)

Jun 20, 2010 16:37

Ok I don't understand how the hell someone can have a child and be that bad at being a mother. I don't mean the smoking dope, getting drunk, beating the kid deadbeat kind of mother. I mean the kind that lets the kid do whatever the fuck it wants. I think the worst discipline is when mommy dearest is having a bad day, then she takes it out on the kid for the slightest things. But no, the little brat comes out of my room holding my stuff and its a game. Like my camera. She's wrenching on it to get the shutter open I see and freak out saying to take it away. I get 'Oh, that's a camera' Gentle taking away, turning it around and pretending to take a picture. Yes, lets reinforce that its ok to touch it and that its a good thing that she does it. Like when she throws things at me. Mommy dearest makes it a game. Or better yet, when she terrorizes the cats by smacking them, yelling at them, pulling their fur, poking their eyes and the cat finally gets fed up and scratches her on the way out of the way... its the cats fault. They're violent. They have to be put down. Its never her fault. She's a baby. Right? NO! She's in her fucking formative years. Do you want this whiny little bitch who does what she likes and ignores you (because you let her get away with it) to be your daughter forever? Are you fucking kidding me? It's a good thing she was an accident because if she was on purpose I'd have to beat your ass for being so fucking stupid as to not being able to raise her better. She's going to end up like you. A useless, driveless pathetic excuse for an existance.
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