Sep 01, 2010 22:51
Hey. It's common sense, and I don't really expect it from anyone on my f-list, but please do not link my posts or comments on my posts, to twitter, myspace, or facebook, especially if the post is friend-locked. LJ's pingback system now allows you to do this, but I ask that you don't. On social networking sights, I'm linked up to dozens of relatives, coworkers, bosses, professors, and other non-fandom people, some of whom will recognize my user-names (as I tend to reuse them). What I post on LJ is usually exclusive to LJ, because I prefer not to share it with those in my public and professional spheres of existence. I appreciate any links or recs you post on LJ, your forums, or other fannish places, but again, please avoid those big social networking sites.
Thanks for your understanding.