(no subject)

Nov 22, 2009 14:01

Because I'm crazy busy, haven't spoken to anyone in a while, and probably won't for a good week or so, I'm hopping the bandwagon. I hate you, Black Friday week!

You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

FIRST NAME: Emily. I like it well enough once I get over how common a name it is. Some of my irl friends that I've known since middle school sometimes call me Smiley or Smiz, either of which is fine, though I honestly prefer being called by my given name. lol.

AGE: 19. I'm still allowed a certain level of immaturity, thank goodness!

LOCATION: Sacramento area, still living with my parents. It's an economically convenient arrangement for me while still at the JC. I hope to have all my general ed finished by summer of 2011 (if not earlier) so I can transfer somewhere... not here. Hopefully even before then, I'll have spent one of my semesters abroad.

OCCUPATION: If I had a survey sheet, I would check "student" cause that's really all I do with my time anymore. I do work part time at Jo-Ann Fabric/Crafts and have been doing so for a little over a year. I'm hoping to get a new job soon at the hospital in central supply (delivering tools and supplies to the floors and cleaning/sanitizing bloody instruments, yay). It's not particularly glorious, but better paying and probably a smidgen more satisfying than arguing coupons with old women who take their crafts far too seriously.

PARTNER: No tengo uno.

KIDS: Oh geez, who needs kids when you have college-age friends, am I right? Thank goodness I don't have any yet (kids, not friends, though they are fewer than I'd like). Maybe I'll do the mommy thing someday; I have a strong maternal streak that gets me right in the gut when I see baby animals , Homo sapien or no.

BROTHERS/SISTERS: I have one younger sister, who is 16. She's a little social butterfly with average grades, but she is photo editor for the highschool's award-winning yearbook. She really has a talent for taking photos, and was the one who did my Subaru photo shoot (which I love to pieces, but he had to work with me as a model, and it shows xD). There are a few of her pics here: http://sayqueso.wordpress.com/

PETS: I have one dog, Dust Buster (Buster for short), so named for his amazing ability to suck up anything that lands on the floor. My Dad wanted to name him Hoover, but it wasn't as cute and he's not big enough to be a full-sized vacuum. He's a terrier mutt of some sort, black with white muzzle and paws, and a big ol' head. He's about 15, and pretty much blind, deaf, and senile, but we love him so.


1. I'm struggling a bit, because I was a dumbass and decided to take too many classes. I have to figure out how much time is left before I have finals and everything is due. I just finished a big research paper, but I'm sure there are several more lurking around the corner.
2. I joined an improv club. I suck at acting, but I'm slowly getting better at not making an ass of myself.
3. I'm not going to meet the goal for Nano. *weep* too much other shit to do.
4.I recently tried to convince my mom to let me take home a kitten. She told me I could only have it if I took it everywhere I went, forever. Even though it means no, I'd considered it!
5. I'm doing run to feed the hungry on Thanksgiving morning.

PARENTS: My parents are cool, usually fair, sometimes a little psycho, so we're not without our arguments. They're both nurses. My mom works in women's health and delivery, and my dad works in surgery and sometimes in the ER, sewing limbs back on and stuff like that! lol.
They've been together for about 20 years.

CLOSE FRIENDS: Are in short supply unfortunately. My best friends are still DarkFujin and musouka_ningyou, though I haven't seen them in a while due to conflicting schedules and school ridiculousness. They're the only people I'd cosplay a skanky cowgirl for. I've met a lot of cool new people in my classes, in improv club, and in the Sacramento Comic Creators Group as well, though I don't know if they have lj accounts.

In addition, I talk to a lot of people because of my fandoms. I met shin0hara, dragon_gypsy, and yuulin through Tsubasa, and I wuffles them. <3 09 was an awesome con season with you there. Kane-sama, one of these days, we will have that coffee.

Here's a shout out to the members of the TB Doujin group and all the others on my flist who I've met through TB/X!

A super-shout out to jeldi who I had been speaking to quite frequently until I dropped off the face of the planet. We're gonna cosplay together at next year's Fanime, and I'm super excited! :D Anyone who's going should join in!


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