Feb 18, 2008 12:00
I made it to Compy's finals!!! An absurd number of people voted for me for my Chuteshipping, which was really embarrasing and really flattering - and I only discovered this afternoon who my 'opponent' would be for the...Crown. (Can I feasibly call it a crown? Whatever, it's the Crown now.) And it's Hikari!! *squees and glomps her 'nee-chan* I wuvs her dearly, and I know she's gonna turn out something good, so I'm going to have to try my best if I want to win.
So - anyway. Went to sleep last night pretty pensive over what horrors Compy-kun would unleah upon my rival (didn't know it was'Kari then) and I. Dreamed about pairings of Mai x Yami Malik, Weevil x Pegasus - the list of nightmares went on. @-@ But, woke up today to met with this:
Fillershipping - Noa Kaiba x Rebecca Hawkins
The relief I feel knows no bounds. *clutches heart dramatically* I have a plot idea already, and the fic's not due till the 24th so - *airpunch* Wish me luck!!!
[fandom] yugioh,
[fics] ygo pairings contest