KF femmeslash - or the start of it, anyway

Oct 23, 2010 00:19

....Ollllllld few pages of writing I found lurking amongst my documents. Not sure if the rest of it'll ever see the light of day - it was an attempt to rewrite the whole of TRC with Kurogane and Fai as women. ;;; (Why do I still do these things to myself?) Here's Hanshin:

They’re at odds from the moment they meet, clashing in looks, in wishes, in wills. One is hot for battle, furious, still marked with the blood of her last opponent. The other is cold from arctic tears, skin still damp from the waters of some otherworldly pool. She wants to never battle again. One wants nothing more than to return from the world she’s been sent from, the other wants nothing more than to run from her world, and run, and run, and never have to go back.

The Witch of Dimensions gives them a way to fulfil their wishes - Mokona, small and white and ridiculously fluffy for something so powerful. With them are the children - the boy with the determined eyes, paying the heaviest price of all of them, and the girl he refuses to let go, his princess, still fast, fast asleep.


Kurogane dislikes Fai from the moment the blonde idiot first opens her mouth. Kurogane actually hates Fai the moment the blonde idiot opens her mouth and spills out a ridiculous nickname, poking Kurogane’s warrior pride where it hurts. ‘Ms. Black’ the ditz laughingly dubs Kurogane to the boy of their group, seizing the snapped ‘It’s Kurogane’ in reply and running it off with it to some insanity amongst the clouds - for where else could such a feather-brained dolt keep her thoughts all day?

‘Fai D. Fluorite’ the idiot pronounces herself, something airy and intangible and embellished with a flourish of a bow, wispy hair falling hither thither and smile stretched wide into something that rings false from the start. The boy is Syaoran, the sleeping girl is Sakura, and they all take refuge under the roof of the couple who owe the witch.

This country of the world they’re in is called the Hanshin Republic - it’s modern and bright and noisy, and even as Sakura lies sleeping they have to take to the streets hunting for her feather because Mokona insists one is there, and they’re not moving on until they find it. They all look blank when Sorata suggests they change into that country’s clothes, but the man draws the boy aside and Arashi takes Kurogane and Fai by the hand, leading them to a wardrobe and drawers full of strange items of clothing neither have laid eyes on before in their lives.

“What is this?” Kurogane holds up the offending object at arm’s length between thumb and forefinger a little while later as she’s changing, Arashi having left them to their own devices, clearly expressing her distaste for the item in hand.

“Arashi-san said it was called a bra.” Fai leans back against the doorpost of the room, grinning in an exceedingly catlike manner. She’s already changed into a loose, long-sleeved shirt and black trousers, colours greatly similar to the ridiculous fluffy ensemble she’d first been wearing. “The women of this country wear them as supportive undergarments.”

“It’s a chest-binder?” Kurogane isn’t stupid; she can see how the thing can be worn, but - “It looks more like a torture device.” The ‘bra’ is bony. Fai laughs, and Kurogane glares at her. “You’re wearing yours?”

Blue eyes all but glow, and Kurogane has the sudden urge to choke all life out of them. “I don’t need one.” The goddamn mage (who won’t use her magic) is almost as flat-chested as a boy.

Kurogane wriggles and squirms nearly every minute they’re out the first day, plucking at her shoulder and shirt in clear discomfort.

“Kurogane-san?” Syaoran asks, a little concerned.

Fai, who has been subtly admiring the curve of Kurogane’s behind in the tight black jeans she’s wearing, pats the boy gently on the shoulder, leaning forward to conspiratorially stage-whisper, “Don’t worry, Syaoran-kun. Kuro-chan’s just having women’s difficulties.”

Syaoran goes bright red and Kurogane whirls on Fai. “I do not have women’s difficulties!” In the middle of a crowded street. At the top of her lungs.

Someone in the crowd mutters something rather loudly about PMS. When neither Kurogane, Fai nor Syaoran understand the reference a sage Mokona explains - and then both Fai and Syaoran have to hold an irate Kurogane back to stop the ninja going to beat the crowd-mutterer into little more than a bloody pulp.

Hanshin is the world of kudans, where Kurogane dreams of a water dragon and Fai dreams of a great bird, the first granting the warrior strength in the shape of a sword, the second allowing the mage to dance through the air as if she’d been born there. They fight to take back Mokona, stolen from them by a petulant girl trying to catch the attention of her boyfriend, fighting through layers of incomprehension as Kurogane snaps harshly and Fai laughs liltingly, and Syaoran glances between them in confusion, none of the understanding anything any of them had said. The feather is found and pretty girls are duly flirted with, and they bear their prize proudly back to Sakura, Syaoran smiling bright - too-bright - as she looks up at him drowsily, able only to query so softly, ‘Who are you?’

Fai steps in with a smile to do introductions and Kurogane obligingly yells, Syaoran escaping to the pouring rain outside. As Sakura slips back into dreams Fai and Kurogane go together to watch over the boy from a window, their kudans curling around him to offer what comfort they could. They discuss the relative strength of tears; one wistful hand of Fai’s touching the cold glass, Kurogane’s arms across her chest. Again, they are opposites, every ideology they possess a clear contrast.

They move on.

Might continue this at a later date - might not. *shrugs*

[fics], [snippets], [fandom] tsubasa reservoir chronicles

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