Meme thing

Oct 03, 2009 15:16

*shamelesslyt stolen from Compy*

List 12 characters you like from any fandom BEFORE you read the questions (it doesn’t matter what order they’re in, there’s no need to list them from favourite to least favourite or anything). Then go through and answer the questions.

(I decided to do anime/manga only.)

1 - Light Yagami (Death Note)
2 - Fai D. Fluorite (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
3 - Yami no Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh)
4 - Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
5 - Kimihiro Watanuki (XxXHoLic)
6 - Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
7 - C.C (Code Geass)
8 - Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
9 - Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayearth)
10 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man)
11 - Takashi Natsume (Natsume Yuujinchou)
12 - Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)

1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to? (Kyo Sohma/ Takashi Natsume)
I must shamefully admit I never have, nor would ever want to, read a slash fic between these two - though them just meeting would make me burble like hell. Fruits Basket + Natsume Yuujinchou would be an awesome premise; they’ve got some vaguely similar themes/feelings running throughout.

2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot? (Tamaki Suoh)

Er…yeah, I s’ppose so, but I’m more used to thinking of Tama-chan along the lines of ‘cute spastic idiot’. X3 I’m sure he could do ‘hot’ though, if he had his preparation time. And toned down his gay sparklyness somewhat.

3. What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? (Sakura Kinomoto and Edward Elric)
…I think a lot of people would be pointing accusing fingers at Ed and saying he’d been meddling with alchemy again. And Sakura would be fluttering about looking confused and trying to stop Kero/Touya/Yue/Syaoran slaughtering Ed because ‘think of the baby’. And there’d be tea and cakes and Tomoyo/Al being called in to negotiate a peace treaty whilst Sakura sat and insisted ‘everything will be alright’.

4. Can you recall any fic(s) about Nine? (Umi Ryuuzaki)
…Not any about her alone. Hm. I should delve into the MKR fandom a bit more.

5. Would Two and Six make a good couple? (Fai D. Fluorite and Kyo Sohma)
…Dear God NO. Kyo’s a younger Kurogane only without the putting-up-with-Fai capability - Fai would drive him mental within a day and he’d storm off to sulk on the roof or something. Neither of them would talk about their problems/traumatic pasts either, curling up in the corner to lick their individual wounds.

But - oh, Fruits Basket + Tsubasa = kitty love. X3

6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? (Kimihiro Watanuki/Umi Ryuuzaki or Kimihiro Watanuki/Allen Walker)
…*snickers* Oh, I’m torn. I think Wata-pon would be gentlemanly to both of them - he has a thing for cute things, and Umi’s a girl and Allen’s just...little and sparkly. Allen’s the sort of person Watanuki’s used to - he eats/drinks a lot, and cheats amazingly. (It’d be interesting letting him meet Yuuko.) But…er…Watanuki and Umi. They could bond over a shared dislike of Mokona.

7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? (C.C, Fai D. Fluorite/Sakura Kinomoto)
C.C would probably make a totally inappropriate comment and go and get some pizza. (She might even skip the comment.) Really.

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic. (Yami no Yugi/Allen Walker)
The Nameless Pharaoh once made it his mission to rid the world of the Shadows that plagued it, sacrificing his life and sealing himself within the depths of the mystical Millennium Puzzle. Now, almost three thousand years later, the sacred Puzzle turns up in the hands of the cursed Exorcist Allen Walker, the boy called to the Item by events not-unlike the actions of the mysterious Innocence. Spirits, it seems, can be awoken by a song, and now the powers of Shadow and Innocence are united to drive out the destruction plotted by the Earl.

9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff? (Light Yagami/Edward Elric)
Nope. Post-Death-Note-gaining-Light wouldn’t know ‘fluff’ if it smacked him in the face.

10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. (C.C/Sakura Kinomoto)
And the Earth was Gold and Green. (For their eyes/hair.)

11. What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One? (Tamaki Suoh/Light Yagami)
…Is Tamaki physically capable of deflowering anyone? Really, it’d probably be the other way around, and Light would probably deflower Tama-chan in the much more literal sense of throwing out the blond’s piles and piles of roses as Tamaki sobbed melodramatically and clutched to his leg.

12. Does anyone on your friends list read Three hent? (Yami no Yugi)

‘Hent’? I’m assuming that means het so…um…singrain5 might (if it was Bakura-centric) and…inu_kaiba? Maybe?

13. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? (Takashi Natsume)
No. ;-;

14. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? (Fai D. Fluorite/Tamaki Suoh/Kimihiro Watanuki)
…I’d like to think I could corrupt at least one of you enough to write something like that.

16. What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? (Allen Walker)
…Depends who it’s at, what type of passion it is.

Anger (at the Millennium Earl, as he blasts a demon): “May your pitiful soul be saved!”
Anger (at Kanda/Lavi, after being called a beansprout again): “It’s Allen!”

Bedroom/passion: that particular person’s name?

17. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose? (Edward Elric)
UM. Oh, I’m awful at picking appropriate songs. Um…I don’t know. Really, I don’t. *cheats and skips*

18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be? (Light Yagami/Kyo Sohma/Sakura Kinomoto)
…Character deaths. Because one, Light’s involved, and two, Sakura’s involved, and Touya/Kero/Syaoran/Yue would murder the other two - or try to, and Light would get out his Death Note and…does that thing work on magical guardians and people haunted by cat spirits?

19. What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two (Allen Walker and Fai D.Fluorite)
“Can I try some of your cake?” Only, this being Allen, he really would be asking for cake. Lots of it. Fai probably wouldn’t be able to bake enough. ^^;

20. When was the last time you read a fic about Five? (Kimihiro Watanuki)
Yesterday, actually.

21. What is Six's super-secret kink? (Kyo Sohma)
…I’m sorely tempted to put ‘bondage’, but - as he’s haunted by the cat - he hates collars and things of the like. Pains probably not his thing either - he likes Tohru - so…submission/humiliation? He certainly seems to get his kicks out of challenging Yuki all the time.

22. Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober? (Takashi Natsume and Umi Ryuuzaki)
He wouldn’t - Natsume’s too polite, and Umi’s too…Umi.

23. If Three and Seven get together, who tops?  (Yami no Yugi and C.C)

*laughs* Yami’d probably do his kingly thing, but C.C just wouldn’t care. They’d probably fight it out. X3 And there’d be chains and leather involved.

24. One (Light Yagami) and Seven (C.C) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Umi) suddenly runs off with (C.C). (Light), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Takashi Natsume) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Sakura Kinomoto), then follows the wise advice of Five (Kimihiro Watanuki) and finds true love with Three (Yami no Yugi).

a)What title would you give this fic?
Why Light Yagami Should Never Piss Off the Dimensional Witch. (She’ll warp your character as a result.)

b) Name three people on your friends list who might read it.
…Crys, SJ, Hikari.

c) Name one person who should write it.

YOU SHOULD ALL WRITE IT. (Alleviate my guilt for feeling like I spam some of your f!lists with my stories all the time.)

25. How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon? (C.C/Edward Elric)
Deeply confused. 

[fandom] death note, [fandom] magic knight rayearth, [fandom] code geass, [fandom] xxxholic, [fandom] fullmetal alchemist, [random], [fandom] tsubasa reservoir chronicles, [fandom] yugioh, [fandom] natsume yuujinchou, [fandom] ouran high school host club, [fandom] cardcaptor sakura, [fandom] dgrayman

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