Sometimes ideas just won't leave you alone

Jul 02, 2009 15:44

So I haven't had a lot of sleep just recently - estimated at about three o' clock this morning that I'd had maybe one solid hour of sleep in forty-six hours, everything else light dozes or cat-naps that don't help your sanity in any way, shape or form whatsoever - and I kind of mentally crashed and got ordered to bed by my online wifey, singingrain5 .  (Who just recently got herself an LJ, so now I can shower love on her here~ <3)
Anyway~ long story short, I slept eventually for about nine hours straight (blessed, blessed sleep) and had some exceedingly weird dreams, and this little scene following shortly hereafter was one of them. ^^;

...It hasn't got a title, and it's so, so AU it makes canon cry. It's set in a world where's there's magic and technology - but technology isn't always that reliable, so they use some good old-fashioned weapons as well. (I love Yuui/Fai really, but I can't resist the woe with him, can I?)

“No,” he said, when she realised what she was trying to do. “Mother, no!” He lurched forwards, trying to scramble out of the helicopter she was trying to push him so desperately into, clinging to her body, fingers catching in her pale blond hair. “Mother!”

“Yuui -” she was infinitely thankful that her other child was unconscious then; she would’ve been unable to handle two children determined to drag her with them or to stay behind, “Yuui, let go.”

“No!” His childish shriek was piercing, cutting into her heart, terror echoing over the sounds of ringing steel and gunfire behind them, the screams of the dying men still loyal to the Royal House. “I won’t go without you!”

“Yuui -” why, oh why was the helicopter so small? The pilot, the nurse, Fai, Chii and the royal phoenix - there was already too many on-board; the flight would be slow as it was, difficult to fly, and the children - they had to get the children out of Valeria quickly, quickly -

“NO!” Yuui refused to be consoled, blue eyes wide and desperate. His father was dead; he’d seen the man slain, run-through with a sword before him as hot blood hit his cheek. He wasn’t going to lose his mother as well. Never, never. “Get in -”

“Yuui, the helicopter can’t take anymore weight.”

“Then I’ll stay with you!” Yuui was eight, but his grip was surprisingly strong as he wrapped his arms around his mother’s neck, breathing into the Queen’s ear as wet tears hit her neck. “Don’t leave me.”

The boy was too young to realise her own heart was breaking, thudding louder in her ears than the dying behind her, the approaching warfare as the insurgents slowly whittled down the soldiers standing between them and the last of the royal family.

“Majesty,” the pilot looked worried - and rightly so -, grey in the face with stress and grief. He’d probably lost loved ones of his own, was ashen even more seeing what his Queen was trying to do. “Majesty, we need to take off. The rebels are fighting their way up to the tower guns - if we don’t go now -” If they didn’t go now, the helicopter stood a very high chance of being shot down out of the air by the Palace’s own anti-aircraft defences.

“Don’t leave me!” Yuui clung on to his mother tighter, almost choking the woman. She refused to look at him. “Mother!”

“What about Fai?” The question was a cruel one, deliberately so, Yuui’s breath catching in a strange hiccupped sob. His mother or his brother - stay or go. He glanced over his shoulder for an instant - seeing the unconscious Fai on the helicopter floor with Chii beside him, their temples wet with red.

The Queen seized his distraction, disentangling her son from her person in a mess of limbs, pushing the boy into the helicopter and slamming shut the door behind him.

Small fists beat at the door between them, Yuui flinging himself against the interior window. “Mother - Mother!” The helicopter’s blades began their movement above them, wind stirring her hair and brushing it sharply across the Queen’s face. “Mother, get on!”

She kissed her hand and pressed it to his face on the other side of the glass, smiling sadly. “Look after Fai and Chii, Yuui. Look after yourself.”


The helicopter took to the air, the Queen stepped back, watching it, praying for it, wishing for the safety of the children. The battle behind her screamed in fury, seeing the heirs to the Valerian Crown escape into the sky. She turned to face the fighting, calm, and saw the last soldier protecting her die, his body thudding into the ground, the insurgents swarming towards the last monarch of the country.

They didn’t give her the honour of a sword, like her husband. They shot her with a gun from a distance, cowards until the end, and the Queen crumpled to the ground to join her people in death.

On the distant horizon, in the helicopter that bore him to safety, Yuui curled around the form of his unconscious twin, and cried.

[fics], [snippets], [fandom] tsubasa reservoir chronicles

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