Death Note oneshot

Apr 02, 2008 20:10

Part of one I'm planning to upload soon, anyway, called Stars, Hide Your Fires.

Disclaimer: It, being fanfiction, means me no owny.
Setting: During the time they're still chained to one another, before Light regains his Kira memories.
Warnings: None, I think. It's intended to be L x Light later, but that isn't really covered here... Do I have to warn for L being completely unaware of personal bubbles?

Light Yagami was innocent asleep. He’d fallen unconscious barely a few minutes after his head had hit the pillow, exhausted by the long day he’d spent chained to L’s side. Though the detective was used to being a near-insomniac by nature it was clear the Yagami teenager wasn’t - Light needed at least six hours sleep a night compared to L’s apparent six a week -, but still L kept his unwilling companion working, working, working until an obscene hour in the morning, permitting Light to collapse into bed for his allotted six hours before waking him and dragging him up, up, up again to work for the investigation.
Some could say it was cruel, how L kept the other working. Some did say it was cruel, muttering their complaints behind concealing hands. Others just speculated on why L did it. The given reason was that L merely wanted to progress with the Kira investigation, to catch Kira so Light Yagami could be unchained from him, his innocence proven once and for all. Light couldn’t complain - it was his freedom they were both working for, after all…
In the dark hours of the night, long after midnight, when L’s only companions were the glow of his laptop’s screen and the slow, steady breathing of the unconscious boy in the bed beside him, L admitted another reason quietly to himself, voiced only in the deepest and most secret place within the sanctity of his labyrinth mind. 
Light Yagami was innocent asleep. Asleep, Light Yagami was pure, a drowsing child with one hand tucked beneath his pillow, the other curled beside his face. He was blameless, free of guile, free of any trickery that could lurk within his liquid eyes and changeling expression. Asleep, Light Yagami couldn’t possibly be Kira. The innocent could not kill. 
L preferred Light Yagami to be asleep. If…it took keeping Light up for extraordinarily long periods L would do it, simply so the other would sleep soundly in-between bouts of work. Sleep soundly, sleep deeply, sleep innocently, so L could think at leisure about the dreams that went through Kira’s head, and delude himself into thinking that no such thoughts could ever belong to Light.
L spared a glance for the sleeping youth beside him, pausing in his work for an instant to watch the moon shine in through the undrawn curtains of the window, bathing the softly slumbering Light Yagami in a silver glow. Moonlight. Tsukikage, the Japanese named it, the two kanji forming it slurring into one word. Moon, and Shadow. Moonshadow. Shadow and Light. Shadows…within Light. Light…
The laptop perched on the covers in front of L was set aside, the detective leaning over to look at the other more closely, contemplative. Light Yagami had a pretty, handsome face; long dark lashes that would frame his perceptive eyes when he would wake, an aurora of golden-brown hair, trickling out across the pillow’s surface it lay upon like warm honey. The moon was kind to Light, softening and enhancing, but -
L put his thumb to his mouth, a familiar gesture for when he was deep in thought. The moon was kind to Light, forgiving, but even her brilliance couldn’t seep through the closed lashes resting against those smooth cheeks, slide into the spinning mind that L knew to lie therein. Stars, hide your fires -
But Light, such a sweet child, untainted, full of wholesome purity and desire for true justice - 
He couldn’t be -
He could be -
L leaned over Light, his lips almost, but not quite, brushing the sensitive skin behind the teen’s ear, warm whisper soft as a moth’s wingstroke breezing gently over a curved cheek. “Kira…” 
Was he…?
Light Yagami woke up.

Look...aren't they pretty together? ^^

[fandom] death note, [fics]

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