Episode Two: The three families - Kaiba, Mouto and Mazaki - have all been merged into one, and are currently living under one roof. It's a new experience for all of them, and some of them are taking to the change better than others...
The first night begins in the daytime, amazingly enough. Yugi decides he's going to play friendly with his new housemates, and starts with the youngest - Mokuba. They decide to play catch and get along very nicely, and Yami ruins the photograph by walking in on it at the last minute carrying the newspaper. Thank you, Yami.
Seto wanders over and strikes up a conversation with Yami, prompting the latter to put his precious newspaper down. They discuss such joyous things as Nature, Politics and Romance, and seem to build up a pretty good rapport. Seto is clearly overjoyed by this and decides to try his luck flirting -
Yami is not impressed, and storms off in a huff. His 'relationships' bar shows he is clearly deeply attracted to Seto, but he isn't giving the brunet an inch. They've only known each other for an hour or so, after all.
Yugi and Mokuba continue their game of catch, but Yugi keeps dropping the ball. Mokuba vents his frustrations at his playmate, but continues playing regardless. Yugi keeps droppping the ball.
Anzu - feeling a bit ditzy - has yet to arrive at the house. She's running a little late, ne? Gozaburo whips out his binoculars to look around for her, but gets distracted by some bird or other flying overhead.
Yami, contrary as ever, gets fed up watching his aibou and Mokuba play catch by himself, and wanders over to flirt with Seto - who HAD be trying to talk with his father, but Gozaburo wandered off to look at more birds again. Seto is clearly deeply engrossed by whatever Yami is saying to him...
...and looks coy. Oh my.
Yugi actually CATCHES a ball, Mokuba's cheers can be heard for miles.
Gozaburo continues looking at birds.
Anzu arrives, and goes upstairs to brush up on her cooking skills, having none at all to start with. Yugi, thinking this a good idea, follows her up, determined the household shall not be reduced to eating instant meals and lunch-meat sandwiches.
Mokuba runs off to play with his kiddies oven, and conjures up...this weird...bun-cake-thing, which he burns, anyway, so it's even less identifiable than usual.
Seto - damn him - runs upstairs while no-one's looking, and makes lunch-meat sandwiches anyway. Yami, his partner-in-crime, makes a cup o' ramen using the microwave. Urgh. I hope they both get fat.
Getting on about six pm, Seto decides to give Yami a backrub, in apology for upsetting the other before. This goes well, only camera angles lead to a debate over whether the 'backrub' action should be replaced with 'butt-smex'. Poses are suggestive enough.
And now they're holding hands. Aw.
Guests come over to welcome the Kaibas, Moutos, and Mazaki to the neighbourhood. Gozaburo finally gets sick of looking at birds, and goes and sits - naked - in the spa tub thing with a married woman. She, of course, does not seem the slightest bit ruffled by the fact this OAP has just sat down without wearing any swimwear, and happily discusses politics with Gozaburo. Enthralling.
It finally gets dark, and everyone sits down to eat. Well - everyone except Mokuba. He's been packed off to bed. Yugi and Anzu sit and have a long conversation with each other about Justice - methinks they've been watching too much Death Note, hm? Kaiba keeps trying to snag Yami's attention, but Yami's focus is on Dina Goth - a lovely young neighbour who is sitting at the table in nothing but her bikini.
Seto decides to be a gentleman, and help clear up the dinner dishes. This is, of course, after Anzu has already taken most of them away anyway. But - it's the thought that counts, right?
Everyone goes to bed except Gozaburo, who stays up to argue with Dina, the guest. Apparently Gozaburo was listening to Yugi and Anzu at the dinner table, because he seems awfully focused on Justice and the Law...
Yami sneaks into bed with Seto after everyone but Gozaburo (he's still downstairs arguing with Dina) is asleep. Seto wakes up at the intrusion, but settles down again and allows himself to be cuddled - yes cuddled - by Yami. They both fall soundly asleep. Camera is promptly whipped out because they both look so sweet.
Will Yami and Seto ever sort out what it is between them? Will Anzu ever get more than a side-liner's role? Will Gozaburo ever stop being so arguementative with everyone and just go to sleep?
Find out that and more next time in The Domino Effect, episode three: Mopping it Up