And this all started by the strange thought of Yami using the word 'twat'...

Mar 04, 2008 19:31

"Listen here you bat-haired, arrogant, insignificant twat -"
"'Twat'? Twat? You did not just call me a twat, you hedgehog-haired idiot!"
"'Hedgehog-haired'? How in the name of sweet Isis can someone be hedgehog-haired?!!"
"Well how can someone be bat-haired?! It's just another animal, you obtuse, idiotic, scatter-brained excuse for a -"
Kaiba groaned inwardly to himself and pressed one hand to his temples, feeling the distinct throb of a headache there. He looked up from his work, interrupting his two bickering lovers with a wearied: "Must you two hold this inane arguement in my presence? I am trying to work."
"If we've reached the stage where we're disturbing you, you have a bad headache." Bakura broke off from the heated retort he'd been about to fling back at an insult Yami had shot his way, brows drawing down into a (vaguely) concerned frown. "And if you have a bad headache, you shouldn't be working."
"That isn't the issue." 
"It isn't so hard to make it the issue -"
"We're not discussing this."
"Kaiba -"
Kaiba frowned darkly. "If you're going to do nothing but distract me, get out of my office."
Bakura immedietely flared up. "Don't you tell me to get out of the office!"
"Don't yell at him!" Yami snapped, leaping into the growing fray. "He has a sore head!"
"Then don't yell at me!" Bakura snapped back, scowling. "You think your shrieking's going to help his head much either?!"
"At least I have the common sense to know when to shut up!"
"Then please do so!!" Kaiba thundered, completely overriding his two companions' protests, arguements and complaints. Stunned, Bakura and Yami turned to regard him silently, Yami's mouth still part-open with some frozen reply. At Kaiba's increased glare - the man's headache now rising to a beautiful crescendo in the depths of his skull -, the mouth closed with a quiet click of teeth.
 "We'll...just be leaving now." A little more meekly than usual Yami gently took Bakura's arm, pulling the stubborn albino with him to the exit of the office, and out with him. "See you later, Seto."
Kaiba sighed as the door shut softly behind them, about to return to his work when distinctly Bakura's voice drifted through the wood -
"...And for the record - I'm not a pregnant fish."

Yes, archaishipping (and its modern-day counterpart) has currently taken over my brain. I have three possible plot ideas - one a dark, somewhat murderous AE oneshot, one and long continuous AE story, and....this weird thing above. ^^;;;

Save me...?

Btw - a twat is a pregnant fish. If you didn't know that. X3

[fandom] yugioh, [fics], [ship] archai, [snippets]

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