Nov 07, 2004 12:32
hey. im at the shop again and im gonna be working later. we have radio@netscape and my sis knos how it works step by step and i dont so im happy cause i just found rock, indie, alternative, and punk all at the same time. so skool is still shit. but i think ima talk about dreams involving people i kno. the first one i am gonna tell you about was along time ago.
i was flying down the hallway up stairs at my skool and racing with a girl named Wendy at my synogauge. and then for some reoson i couldnt fly anymore and i was jumping down the stairs trying to fly.
there was one where i was like stalking this girl named hayley solarz and she was like having dinner with some guy so i left and went to bed in a room in vegas.
another was while i was at camp and i had a dream and anna was in it. anyway she explained the nervous game to me in which if you havnt heard, the girl starts with her hand on the guys knee and moves up until... yah. i dont think i had ever heard of the game until then and its a real game.
so the one i had a couple of nights ago i was dancing with lara, and then we started necking and i forgot who was necking whom or if it was both of us but i got this really i guess nice feeling whenit was happening and then we just started laughing. it was really strange. so after that somehow i was in a relay race and i was with this really short kid at my skool and he kept saying he was taller than me and hes like a foot shorter which means hes like a munchkin cause im 5 foot so yah. it was really strange.
well thats it for now so yah. w/e. bye.