Oct 04, 2004 22:21
hey. so i tried to write yesterday but my comp was screwing up so much that it wouldnt let me. also its the only comp in the house and its in my room so everyoens always coming in my room and i never even close my door cause if i do they get pissed at me. so heres what happened yesterday:
i woke up and wathced a really old movie wih my mom and sister called It Happened One Night. it was made in 1937 i think. anyway i just hung around the house until 5:00 when i left with my mom to go shopping. i had to get a suit and boxers cause im doing catillion again this year and i dont fit into the one i had last year and i have so few boxers i was wearing one pair for like 3 days at a time which was ok with me but not with my parents. so i got a suit and one of the boxers i got has the skull and cross bones with flames and says Rock and Roll at the top. one of the others just for fun is 100% silk and it feels good to wear. also earlier we walked by this guy who had puked into a bowl of the counter and was now druling into it and his friends were saying he needed help. once we passed my mom said,"the way hes dressed you dont kno if its too many drugs or if hes got the flu." im thinking wtf but i couldnt do anything bout it so i just kept walking. l8r we watched this bitch just stroll right through with her radio playing as if she was deaf and was trying to hear. i turned to my mom and said,"its one thing to do that in your car but just walking in a mall..." so that was yesterday.
Today waw another slow day at skool. Its so annoying. In social studies we watched the presidential debate and both of them sounded like idiots. I started eating but as soon as I put one cheesit in my mouth, I almost coughed cause it was very stale. So the teacher looks at me but somehow doesn’t do anything except whisper,”don’t eat.” I was expecting to go to the office but I didn’t. anyway other than that it was uneventfull. Oh and im gonna be up late tonight doing hw.