here's my tangent---go with it!

Mar 02, 2005 21:33

OK! so everything in life is perfect- well practically. I didnt have to tell my dad about boy c- he just knew! how crazy is that?! here's the conversation we had...
me: good nigth dad.
dad: good night. its nice to be in love again.
me: dad! *slaps father on the arm*
sister: what?
dad: look at her- her face is glowing like the sun.

gah! fathers! how do they do that?! its so crazy! now the other issue on hand is telling the majah....not sure how'll she'll take it. hopefully its good, and if not, well she can deal:P haha! oh, i got some bad news. boy c really wants to go to school like a hundred more miles away. that makes me sad, but if he can go do what he loves then i want him to go and be as happy as he can be- even if its without me. quote from boy c ...
"so i asked mom today if she could possibly help me with a bus ticket in may/june time, and she said very happily that she'd talk to dad. i think there's a good chance they'll help me out"
*does a lil dance* YEAH! thats the fourth one of the day! today has been awesome! but tomorrow is even crazier cuz its half day!
ok so get this...i'm back in my happy bubble now....his dream is to become a film maker/editor/ producer or something in the field. my dream is to become a graphic designer wether it be with big business ro my own freelance whatever. are you seeing where this is going??! its like the missing puzzle piece has finally been found and is about ready to put into place! ok here's how crazy my brain has been working.... if he goes out to do his filimng and makes awesome movies....i can go with him and make movie posters and all that advertising junk they have nowadays! HOW CRAZY COOL IS THAT?! is it uncanny, or am i just waaaaaay out of the box here? anywho! any feedback would be great! try to keep me sane, okay crazy?
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