Mar 01, 2005 14:42
i sure hope so. if it isnt, i'm only losing myself deeper. ahh well. i was reading a magazine in my hammock and i came across some really great stuff....
(from Brio & Beyond Feb 2005)
Top Five Qualities in a Spouse
1. Passionate For God
>He should share your love and passion for God. Your core values must match in this area for a marriage partnership to flourish. Being equally yoked is the biblical concept of a Christian marrying a Christian. A Christian can also be unequally yoked with another believer if the couple doesn't share a parallel passion for pursuing God's heart and ways.
2. Loves You
>He should be absolutely, totally and utterly abandoned in his love and passion for you. You deserve it!
3. Supports and Encourages Your God-GIven Desires
>He should support and guide you toward fulfilling God's calling for your life. To accomplish this he'll need to appreciate your unique and emerging calling, as well as your spiritual gifts.
4. Honest and Forgiving
>He should be generous in honesty, admitting when he makes a mistake and ready to forgive when you mess up. We don't give to get; we give to get to give again.
5. Accountable
>He should be actively pursuing mutually accountable relationships with other men. We all need people in our lives whom we've invited to ask soul-searching questions about our motives, money, and morality.