I feel sick

Apr 17, 2007 14:31

I hate being sick. I really do.

I've been sick on and off ever since uni first started, one of the guys there had a bad cold and I think I caught it from him. ... I wanna go back to Brisbane. I didnt feel sick there.

For the past month (this is on and off mind you), I've had a cold/flu, a cough, feeling absolutely drained and only recently I've been getting bad headaches and dizzy spells.

Yesterday, I spent most of it sleeping, I had such a bad headache, it felt as if some sadistic bastard had come along and hit me on the side of the head. I still have a headache, but its not as bad. Just feel dizzy whenever I move around. Similiar to that feeling you have when you stand up too fast. I was supposed to go to uni today for a tutorial session, but couldnt - felt awful this morning.

I'm feeling a bit better now, slight headache and dizziness, but not as bad. I might try and get out later to try clear my head, getting out of my room might help a bit. Here's hoping it clears up soon.

Well, thats enough whining from me.

~ Shadow
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