the friendship proposal

Sep 27, 2020 16:14

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shadow_kick January 3 2011, 08:55:00 UTC
Okay, I really need to do sth about my profile/settings. I frequently think about updating it and then never get round to doing it. >.<
& I don't think you're a creeper! I really appreciate you taking time to reply my nonsense. And you may just be the one thinking I'm the creeper because your reply made me grin and want to squish you. So uh, hello. Haha!

Ah no worries! I apologize on my part for being so paranoid and thinking the worst of people wanting to join. /is rather suspicious of people's motives (online and offline) Joining is very welcome, even though it's moderated. The only reason it's moderated is so that I know the people who are viewing members-only posts. There are a couple of people I don't really know well who joined my comm but I was alright with it because they've commented on my fics and they're regular names in the fic-dom. I recognized your name too but haven't seen it around for quite a while and that's why I sent a PM. xD

Hello, Raine! You can call me Yats or Aud. I've only joined the lj fandom in 2009 but have been an Arashi fan way before that. School kept me away from writing in 2010 too. D: From your profile, I believe we are of the same age.

YAY AIMIYA. My OTP is Ohmiya, if it isn't so glaringly obvious enough by the amount of fics produced with that pairing. Haha. It's only this year that I start to properly write using other pairings. The main reason why I haven't done so is because I don't feel confident to write using another pairing unless I can fit their personalities into the story I come up with. But Aimiya has always always been a total soft-spot for me, along with the yama pair.

That part about the fanservice, it is rather disheartening. :/ But I can't exactly refute that it's not an advantage since Ohmiya is afterall my OTP. I'm exploring pairings out of the mainstream though. Some strange pairings, even. xD

Your novel is exquisite ♥
& thank you for finding my works likeable, really really. :D

Stream-of-consciousness is charming so no worries. Sorry about the disabled PM, I'll go do something about it. :DD


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