APP for Happy

Aug 17, 2011 19:44

Name: Alan
Journal: koizume
Age: 20
IM: [Tell us your AIM/MSN/Gtalk/Y!M/etc]
Other Characters: [Just the ones you have in game, if applicable]

Timeline: [Which part of their canon are you taking them from?]

Personality: [What makes your muse tick? Looking for at least a detailed paragraph]

AU Background: If you're not bringing an AU please put N/A.

First Person Sample: Done in first person style. Prompts to help you:
1: Arriving to the Mansion
2: Ghost heads in the grave yard speaking to you about Happy Hauntings
3: Dining Hall has a few ghosts that duel every night. They emerge from their painting, point and shoot phantom bullets.
4: Every hallway in the Mansion has candlesticks that float to guide your way

Recycled first person samples (so old samples from other RPs), if substantial, can also be used. You can also use links to posts and threads from other games and Dear Mun posts.

Third Person Sample: Done in a third person, past tense, style. Prompts above are also available to use for this part of the application. Please use a different one than from your first person sample. If you have links from other games or Dear Mun posts, please feel free to link at least TWO of them!

Questions: [anything you would like to ask/need?]
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