Apr 18, 2007 16:34

Well, this is certainly an unexpected turn of events ( Read more... )

where the hell is this place, introduction, avoria, first entry

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tsuin_kaoru April 19 2007, 10:39:44 UTC
Please tell us you're still seventeen.


shadow_host April 19 2007, 20:40:35 UTC
*amused* Of course I'm still seventeen, Kaoru. Why wouldn't I-

... Ah.

Kaoru, what exactly is this world capable of changing? Hiwatari-san gave me a bit of an idea- something about not trusting the water- but I have a feeling that's not even the half of it.

[[He had a bit of a mental lightbulb right there. *chuckle*]]


tsuin_kaoru April 20 2007, 12:55:59 UTC
We're older than you~ ♥

And as for what this world can change, well, we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for you.


shadow_host April 20 2007, 21:55:08 UTC
... You've been here for over a year?

How gracious of you.


tsuin_kaoru April 21 2007, 03:36:01 UTC
More like half. We were eighteen when we were brought here, and, well, June 9 we'll be nineteen.

It wouldn't be nice to ruin the surprise for you young ones.


shadow_host April 21 2007, 16:10:50 UTC
Hm. Looks like I'm stuck here for a while.

*realizes they're gonna milk this age thing for all it's worth* ... That's one way of looking at it.


tsuin_kaoru April 22 2007, 02:08:11 UTC
Some people leave after a week, we're just unlucky enough to have the people in charge like us.

We'll always look out for your interests, Kyouya-kun. And you can call us senpai. ♥


shadow_host April 22 2007, 23:25:05 UTC
Who is "in charge" exactly?

Somehow, I really, really doubt that...

[[XD Strike illegible~]]


tsuin_kaoru April 23 2007, 00:20:37 UTC
We're not allowed to say. ♥


shadow_host April 23 2007, 00:32:34 UTC
Which is what I figured.


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