New beginnings part 2

Jan 02, 2010 16:34

Alice made her way down an alley, her eyes black and predatory, her hunt was on, "Hey." A low pleasure filled growl called out to her wrapping her in it's heat, Alice stopped. Her head turned slowly looking at the pretty blond living-vamp, "Yes?" she responded her posture perfect, dominance radiated off of her, her need to conquer to drive her power into making her sudmit prowled around her mind. The beautiful blond looked at her curiously, circling her, sizing her up. Alice's jaw tightened, her fangs grinding against each other, 'I will control my blood lust, I want her I have to make her want me!' Anger, need, and frustration zinged through out her body.

Alice breathed in deeply, getting a taste of the woman's arousal, and need as well. She calmed down dramatically her pupils dilating back down to normal, "You look like you need some help. How long has it been for you?" Alice smiled flashing her fangs, the woman leaned in pressing her lithe dancer form against her back, both of the living-vamps hands found the front of Alice's black slacks, her left pressed aggressively against Alice's stomach and gripped her ribs hard almost painfully. Alice moaned, it had been so long since someone touched her, "Do you have a place to stay?" Alice panted, the huskiness in her voice was undisguised. The woman touched her tongue to Alice's neck finding a scar, Alice's body spasmed, "I'm renting an underground apartment, let's go?"

She unwrapped herself from Alice, straightening her shirt while Alice hungrily stared at her without a hint of black in her eyes. The stranger gasped when she looked into Alice's eyes, "Whats wrong?" Alice asked tentatively, a small smile spread on the other woman's face, "Your eyes give me chills, what a beautiful red. For a second I thought you were..." Alice looked down and closed her eyes in memory, Newt laughed and kicked her, "You still have the will to fight? And the eyes of a demon..." She had said thoughtfully, "... Court Marshal, I will be buying this one!" Her evil cackle made my spine crawl as I squirmed beneath her touch.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself, how rude of me?! I am Dorothy Claymor, please call me Skimmer." She extended hand, I took and kissed her knuckles, "I am Nichole Alice Asaline, call me Alice lets skip the formalities, pleased to meet you, Skimmer. Lets go."
Back at the church

Ivy's eye twitched, 'She didn't want me?' She released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. 'I liked this one too, she was deliciously controlled, she was even from a high bloodline, she was powerful, and she was hot. A perfect match, and she didn't want me. What. The fuck. Everyone used to want me, now I can't even get laid or a date with someone even somewhat interesting. And now I'm moping!' Rachel snickered when Ivy's brow furrowed, her bottom lip jutted out, and crossed her arms over chest, Ivy glared at her from across the table, and Rachel coughed choking on her spit as she laughed harder. "Look I'm sorry, but it's just kind of funny seeing you pout. When I'm normally the one in the same situation, I meet boy, boy expresses interest and leaves or becomes the bad guy. There was attraction I saw her check you out from across the room, and she did say she was coming back."

Ivy's expression went hopeful, most people would have said she didn't look to bright, her face blank like that, but Rachel had been, reading the silent Ivy language for a few years now and knew the difference. "Yeah, she did say that, she probably left to sate her blood lust that way she doesn't attack you." Ivy growled after she finished, Rachel was aware of the offer she had extended Alice and she herself was confused about why she didn't take it. "How long did she say she had been without blood?" Ivy's eyes widened with surprise, "I thought you wouldn't like her." Rachel thought about it for a second, "She is different, and she does scare the hell out of me, but she... has something different about her, I can't really explain it, but she... I trust her. And you like her and gave her an offer for sex and blood, but she didn't take it, for whatever reason. I say her not taking up your offer means she likes you too, she has a respectful air about her. I doubt someone with as much class as her would just make love to someone after the first time meeting them, no matter how thoughtful or hot or with the perfect high blood match they are."

Ivy looked at her curiously, "Yeah, I never thought you would call me hot. Or was it her you were complaimenting?" Rachel's mouth went dry, swallowed, "I've been thinking about it for a little while, your absolutely beautiful. Ivy, you deserve someone that can stand up tall beside you, someone who can rival your power, someone who can finally convince you how pure you are of amazing of a person you are." Ivy's eyes went blurry, "Thank you, Rachel." Rachel looked away her eyes were getting blurry as well, "Besides you need someone with a terribly strong sex drive, someone who can finally keep up with you." Ivy blushed deeply, Rachel smirked, "Want dinner? I could make some baked ziti for the two of us."

hollows, kim harrison, rachel/ivy

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