Just a bit of quickness because it's after midnight and I still need to shower and get up for work tomorrow. Saw Star Treck last night.....holy crap EPICNESS!! I'm not a huge Trekkie by any means, but I'm no stranger to the series either, but that was a damn good movie! I very much enjoyed it and I think that it is up there with Lord of the Rings as far as awsome epic awsomeness.
Also just got back from the GWAR show at Bogarts and HOT DAMN WAS THAT FUN! I'm not nessicarly a big fan of the muisc but it was a really great show. The stage show itself was incredible, the theatrics were high and the atmosphere was fun, playful and violient in a fun playful kind of way. Details on that later. In the mean time I leave you with a crappy picture I took of myself right after I got home from the show about 15 minutes ago. I look like shit, my ears are still ringing, I hurt all over and am in desperate need of a shower, but hey, I'm pretty much covered in red and green fake blood/piss/I don't know, sweat both mine and other peoples and god knows what else and it was fun!