I've been playing Ohrinth for a week and already she's damn near 20. Holy crap, did Bliz make leveling fast! It's kind of nice. I think one thing that is really helping is that I got a mod that helps keep track of my quests and lets me know where everything is in relation to where I am so I don't have to run all over the damn place trying to find my quest crap. Basically it figures out that I have quests X, Y, and Z, and that I am currently closest to the objectives for quest Y and they are over here. Done with that? Okee, let's go get this stuff over here! And so it continues. It is a great help. Although I am a bit dismayed at Ohrinth's current armor set....she looks like a stripper. Very tall, over the knee boots, fuzzy hot pants, and a shiny top. Here...I'll just show you. (clicky on da picture makes it bigger)
Yeah, the garter belts don't make it any better.... But it keeps her from getting hit as hard, in theory, when my pet is slacking off on the job. I'm really not sure what I'm doing but I kind of like the little guy. Sort of like a green quadrapedal version of the Alien saga's critters. He's cute...and spiky.
In celebration of my smaller wallet this year, I kind of, sorta, hit the Black Friday sales. I didn't do BF until I was done at work so most of the crazies had already gone home to take a nap. I hit up Bath n Body Works for presents for my Mom, Step Mom, and Secret Santa recipient. Then it was off to Old Navy for a couple of sweaters for myself and dog toys, also for SS recipient. My wardrobe is severely lacking in good sweaters. My favorite one decided that it was going to get a string loose on the knitted kangaroo pouch on the front of it, so one of my corners is hanging off. I figure if I can find the thread and pull it gently enough and find the bottom one as well the sweater should still be functional and nice looking, just pocket-less. Still need to get stuff for Dad, Step Dad, J-Bun's Mom and J-Bun and I should be done for now. Dad and Step Dad both know exactly what they want so now it's just a matter of tracking them all down. Same goes with J-bun, thank the gods for Amazon Wishlists. His Mom is another story alltogether....the woman has everything and wants for nothing. She's so difficult to buy for. I have the SS recipient's stuff purchased as well.
I'm kind of excited about the whole SSanta thing. Each week until the week of Ecksmas you leave a little something for the person you drew and then on the day of our little party thingy, if we even have one, you give them their "big gift" which is no more than $20. I think she's going to like what I got for her. A six pack of diet Coke and a big bag of pretzels (we love snacks at the office!!), two pretty wire and glass ornaments, two of cute blown glass ornaments, a blue chewy bone for her dog, and a Bath n Body works set with shower gel, lotion, body spray, and a candle. Because no woman on the planet doesn't like Bath and Body Works. It's just finding the right scent that's the problem.
Thanksgiving was pretty decent. Went over to J-bun's family thing and thankfully the miracle baby wasn't there. I was so happy, we could acctually engage in adult, normal conversation. It was wonderful. J-bun's brother had a funny remark about the miracle baby and the miracle twins that are on the way (J-bun's cousins couldn't conceive normally so they had IFV done...several times, as opposed to adopting which would be the sane, humane thing to do). They came up duing the conversation about instead of Ecksmas gifts, simply donating to charaties if you can spare the money because a lot of people can't afford to make purchases for everyone, the cousins included. To which J-Bun's brother piped in and said "Yeah, if G and J hadn't put a year's worth of mortgate payments into her uterus, they wouldn't be in that situation." I tried not to laugh as hard as I did, because it is a very delicate subject and I have been yelled at for it on several occasions. But damn, that one was great! The food was plentiful and much better this year than previous dinners that I've gone to. I think that J-bun's SIL tries way to hard to make a perfect dinner and ends up using odd recipeies with odd ingredient combinations instead of going for the good, old standbys. She kept it traditional this year and it was much better.
And it ends as abruptly as it began. Good Night!!