Oct 13, 2004 21:39
My2WordLie: why are you going insane?
nymphdelaforest: lol
nymphdelaforest: cuz of my dreams.
My2WordLie: what are they about
nymphdelaforest: urggg
nymphdelaforest: im afraid to go to sleep
nymphdelaforest: quick overall
nymphdelaforest: last night, i dreamed i went to a doctar wit a friend so they could get a checkup, they ended up getting a shot and then the doctor somehow nabbed my file and said i needed one or i would get ill soon or some other crap like that, so i ran away, but ended up going back and getting it
nymphdelaforest: and it felt so wierd, it scared me obadly
nymphdelaforest: i was crying.
nymphdelaforest: at least i think i was in my dream...
nymphdelaforest: i know i almost screamed and had to close my eyes
My2WordLie: hmm
My2WordLie: nightmare
nymphdelaforest: and oddly, the doctars office was like a homey empty room with a plain carpet, and i had to get the shot in the kneecap
nymphdelaforest: she said i could do it myself if i wanted
nymphdelaforest: but yes. and jus not i dreamed something that was lightly based on donnie darko in a way
nymphdelaforest: even though i haven't seen it for a week or so
nymphdelaforest: but yeh, there was this game, its like one big human chessbouard, and ppl, originally my step mom but it switched, were bent on finishing it for the prize
nymphdelaforest: we kept on faling and running out of time
nymphdelaforest: so it like was going from generation to generation but somehow ended back up to me, the oringinal generation
nymphdelaforest: but yeh, and then whle lookin at the maps and what im supposed to do i saw "eneergy" it was like number 5 labeled on the map of things my bro and i had to compete to get to finish the game first, it was all in this one room and we had to get it first.
nymphdelaforest: my step mom would read off what number, we would look in the map and get it
nymphdelaforest: well yeh, i asked what number five was
nymphdelaforest: and i look over to where it should be
nymphdelaforest: and somehow the room switched to mine, except before i had moved my desk and bed and such
nymphdelaforest: and i saw a ball of "difference" there. i cuold only tell that it was there cuz the edges of the circle were disorted
nymphdelaforest: it was energy
nymphdelaforest: and i was like holy shit! " i sensed energy there before!" and this is how it became known as energy
nymphdelaforest: but it was also my friend
nymphdelaforest: so then it switches to like the next day and i get home from school, and i come in and i see it there as before, but it somehow was there on named "frank."
nymphdelaforest: and i talked to it
nymphdelaforest: and other shit
nymphdelaforest: and it went through people
nymphdelaforest: and as it wizzed by me, i put out my arm and it sunk into my arm
nymphdelaforest: and i tried to somehow keep it in my arm, and an managed for like 5 seconds and then it got out of my arm, and that feeling was so wierd
nymphdelaforest: and only i could see frank.
nymphdelaforest: its creepy dreaming stuff like that..
My2WordLie: whoa
My2WordLie: thats a really trippy dream
nymphdelaforest: yeh
nymphdelaforest: and for some raeson with frank, i thought i couldn't be seen for a bit so i was like walking around talking to colin at one piont, and then like my best friend who i can't remember the face of, but i was whispering stuff to them while they were walking around and i thought i cuoldn't be seen....i think that was the same dream. i dont' remember it all. which anoys me
nymphdelaforest: and when i ran away from the doctars office, i somehow was like jumping over cars and i stole a moped and other stuff
nymphdelaforest: *shudder* im afraid to sleep.
My2WordLie: dude, you stole a moped
nymphdelaforest: well really i just hopped onto it and rode it away down the street
My2WordLie: thats so cool!
nymphdelaforest: the overall dream was to disturbing for me
nymphdelaforest: i felt like a scared animal chased by people who were eiher gunna try and force me to do it, or jus by the needle image itself.
this is my convo wit char. read it instead of forcing me to repeat it. this is why i think im going insane...it was SO real. i mean, incredibly so. i keep on thinking that im gunna see the little ball of "energy" dubbed frank somewhere. i think i might be losing my mind...