ABC Fics Meme

Aug 19, 2010 11:59

Comment here with a fandom and a pairing or character (or one of my characters and one of yours if we RP together) and give me a one-word prompt for one of the letters of the alphabet below, and I will write you a ficlet around that idea that features that character or pairing.

A is for: Abby Lockhart (ER)
B is for:
C is for:
D is for:
E is for:
F is for:
G is for:
H is for:
I is for:
J is for:
K is for:
L is for: Lips (Ray Barnett, ER)
M is for:
N is for:
O is for:
P is for:
Q is for:
R is for: Refreshing (Dave Malucci/Abby Lockhart, ER)
S is for:
T is for:
U is for:
V is for:
W is for:
X is for:
Y is for:
Z is for:

Teen Titans (cartoon)
X-Men (movie/cartoon/comics)
NCIS: Los Angeles
Harry Potter

fic meme

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