(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 19:43

Tagged by emony2

List ten fictional characters you would have sex with (in no particular order) and tag 5 people to do the same.

Pictures under the cut. Not dial-up friendly.

In no particular order:


Ray Barnett (ER)

The reason I broke my ER watching hiatus. And he's pretty to look at - those eyes, that grin...dude, lethal - but he's actually grown as a character too. And he had some of the best lines and best expressions ever. *sigh* Damn, I want him back. :(


Dave Malucci (ER)

The reason I started my ER watching hiatus. Dave left and so did I. :( Yes, I know he was irreverent, but that was part of his charm. ;)


Jimmy McGloin (Wanted)

Definitely my favorite character on the show. He was a big ol' teddy bear, but intense and funny, too. That? Is hot.


Danny Love (The Inside)

Another teddy bear with an intense and funny side. *sigh*


Adam Ross (CSI:NY)

Cute but geeky lab tech. I love his eyes. And the tiny bit of Irish accent that AJ Buckley never quite manages to get rid of. :D


Don Flack Jr. (CSI:NY)

I love everything about Flack. Sense of humor, great one-liners, loyal and protective of his friends, hot body, and OMFG, those eyes.


Colossus (X-Men Movieverse)

He's easy on the eyes, he's protective of his teammates, and omg, those arms. He's so gentle when he's carrying Siryn in X2, but he could probably literally knock someone's block off when he's all metal-ed up. And he can carry a TV under one arm. Like it's a basketball. Gotta love it.


Mouth McFadden (OTH)

He's a nice guy. He tries to look for the good in everyone, and doesn't do things just because everyone else is. He isn't afraid to be himself, even if it costs him. Someone that comfortable with who they are is sexy. And he gets brownie points for telling Rachel he could have loved the girl in that picture. (read: the old, fat her.)


Oliver Wood (Harry Potter)

Those eyes, that smile, and that accent. Holy cow. I'm an accent girl. But not Spanish or French or Italian or similar. Australian, English, Irish, Scottish, Kiwi...hell yeah. :D


Roy "Speedy" Harper (Teen Titans)

Yes, I know he's a cartoon. But he's a cocky, self-assured, and damn good with his hands cartoon. ;) Also kind of arrogant and conceited, but hey, the boy's got skillz. ;)

Tagged: Whoever feels like it.
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