Sep 29, 2007 16:06

It was an up and down kind of week. Politics at work are becoming more difficult to deal with. One of the head administrators has given us a new directive for educating the students about alcohol...and it is definitely not based off of any research. Just frustrating.

My heart still hurts but I am trying to soothe it with reason.

School is going well. I have yet another group project to work on. We all met online today and it went pretty smoothly. It's nice cause the group size is a lot smaller than the other one. Should be fun! I have a lot to learn and a lot to catch up on. Many of the folks that are in this program have either been working in web site development or print design for a while. I never though about all that goes into it, so I've been questioning whether or not this is the right program for me. I just really miss doing art and this is an area that I would like to learn more about. We'll see how the rest of the semester goes.

I just want to thank everyone that helped me to celebrate my birthday! I appreciate each and every one of you. I'm still trying to get a hold of being 30! HA! It's kinda surreal. Last week I was chatting with two older AMAZING women that work in my building and they both said that their 30s were the best years of their lives! We shall see.

Welp back to homework.

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