We're doing this on MY terms...

Jun 24, 2002 23:00

As I walked out of Oberweise Dairy tonight after having picked up some ice cream, the first thing my sight sets on is a blood red moon... and I'm talking blood red... not the "normal" orangey harvest type moon... this was RED... Tonight's also the full moon...

The last time I saw the moon that blood red on a full moon was the week or so before September 11th.

Most (if not all) of you know that Kurt is in Honduras right now and that I've had a really bad feeling about this trip all along... they're due back in about 47 hours...

I don't care how bad it is with blood on a full moon... Kurt is going to come home alive, well, in one whole unharmed piece... we're doing this on MY terms Mother Nature... do you hear me? This time it will be on MY terms... I WILL NOT lose him... he is coming home alive and unharmed...

I'll work myself into exhaustion to make sure of it...
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