Revision Aid: Entry #10

May 23, 2010 20:57

Topic #10: Blood supply of the digestive tract:

  • The COELIAC TRUNK is the first branch of the abdominal aorta, and supplies structures of the foregut. It has three main branches:
    • The SPLENIC ARTERY, which supplies the spleen as well as giving off the dorsal pancreatic artery, short gastrics, and the left gastro-omental artery
    • The COMMON HEPATIC ARTERY,  which supplies the liver via the hepatic artery proper, the stomach via the right gastric and the pylorus and duodenum via the gastroduodenal artery.
    • The LEFT GASTRIC ARTERY, which supplies the stomach and also has hepatic and oesophageal branches.
  • The SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY branches off at L1 in the transpyloric plane. It supplies the midgut:
    • Inferior pancreatoduodenal artery supplies the pancreas and duodenum
    • Right colic supplies ascending colon
    • Middle colic supplies transverse colon
    • Intestinal supplies ileum and jejunum
    • Ileocolic branch is the terminal branch of the SMA, and supplies the ileum, caecum and appendix
  • The INFERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY is the last anterior branch of the abdominal aorta, and supplies the hindgut:
    • Left colic supplies the descending colon
    • Sigmoid branches supply the sigmoid colon
    • Superior rectal supplies part of the rectum. This is aided by the middle and inferior rectal arteries, from the internal iliac.

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