Revision Aid: Entry #8

May 22, 2010 20:38

Topic #8: Ligaments of the uterus and ovary:
  • The BROAD LIGAMENT is a sheet-like ligament of visceral peritoneal bilayer extending along the inferior borders of the uterine tubes and lateral borders of the uterine body down to the pelvic floor and across to the lateral pelvic walls.
  • The ROUND LIGAMENT is a fibrous cord contained within the layers of the broad ligament which bulges out from its anterior leaf. It crosses the pelvic brim and external iliacs to enter the deep inguinal ring. It extends from the junction of the uterus and Fallopian tubes to the labium majorus.
  • The CARDINAL/ TRANSVERSE CERVICAL LIGAMENTS are distinct bands of connective tissue running in the root of the broad ligament from the lateral pelvic wall to the cervicovaginal junction.
  • The PUBOCERVICAL LIGAMENT consists of fibres passing from the pubis around the bladder to the cervix anteriorly.
  • The UTEROSACRAL LIGAMENTS are ligaments running from both sides of the uterine isthmus to the sacrum lateral to the rectum

  • The SUSPENSORY LIGAMENT OF THE OVARY is the raised part of the broad ligament between the mesovarium and the lateral pelvic wall which transmits the ovarian artery, vein and lymphatics (draining to para-aortic nodes.)
  • The UTERO-OVARIAN LIGAMENT/ LIGAMENT OF THE OVARY is contained between the layers of the broad ligament and runs between ovary and uterus.

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