
Apr 22, 2011 21:25

So, I'm kinda made of LJ fail.  A lot has been going on in my life lately, so I'll try and make sure not to miss everything.

This February the guy who told me I'd be able to sublet for a year kicked me out after only 7 months.  Though I was super annoyed at this, it was actually a blessing in disguise.  He and I had been gratign on each other more and more and I had made a couple of super lawyer friends (I shall call them A and R in the land of ljs) that made this a good thing.  You see, A is a 2nd year law student and R is a third year law student at the same place.  They date and are super awesome.  R lived near me and this was sad because we lived in BUMFUCK NOWHERE of Washington Heights.  We wanted to move farther downtown...hopefully near where A lived.  After a month of stressful apartment hunting, we found an AWESOME place only a couple blocks away from A at a damn good price.  I preen at my mad apartment finding skillz.  So I now live near some awesome people and my roommate (R) is super awesome.  She's also my doppleganger if I was a bit heavier, older, and female.

Law School
As you all know, I got a fantastic score on the LSATs.  This has caused me to be accepted to Fordham and offered a $15,000 a year scholarship.  Meanwhile I'm waitlisted for both NYU and Columbia Law.  This makes me happy.  Also less stressed.

Holy shit guys, I've got a girlfriend!  She's super awesome.  We've been friends for a few months and just decided we wanted to be in a relationship.  I'd like to also say again: She is SUPER AWESOME.  Her mom's gonna make me borsht when I get back (she's originally from Siberia).  We click in a lot of ways, and the more I learn about her the more we seem to fit well together.  GLEE.

Meanwhile, holy shit, I have social groups.  Like, multiple ones.  I seem to have made lots of friends or something.  CRAZY.

Man Things
So, I'm currently in San Francisco.  Why?  Cause I just got my chesticles removed.  My mom's been helping me with the surgical drains and such* which makes her pretty damn awesome.  Painkillers are good, as OWWWW.  However, we're at a lovely bed and breakfast while I heal (OH GOD ITCHYYYY).  I'm not allowed to take a shower for the first week.  Ewwwwwww.    I'm pretty pleased with everything as a whole.  The doctor was snarky and fun** and put me at ease and the building was gorgeous.  Here are some pictures.


Why hello there surgical center, you look mighty fine today.

You totally can't tell, but it feels like I have FIRE ANTS underneath these bandages.  And I can't take them off for five days :(

**The doctor let us take one of his pens and it said on the pen "Stolen from the office of Dr. Brownstein".  I like this dude.
*Yeah, so, what do surgical drains look like?  Let me show you down here

They're clipped to my bandage (I have two) and just kinda dangle there.  Both nifty and gross. 
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