Nothing like 90 degree weather to remind me I'm in Texas again. However, the moment I was in Austin I started preparing for New York. I've applied to many more law firms and am hopeful for the interviews. I've also put up an ad on craigslist for housing and have bunches of people I'm visiting for rooming situations while I'm up there. Yay! Not being a hobo!
In preparation for all of this meet and greeting, I bought some suits and shirts that...gasp...FIT. Yeah, it's crazy to be getting clothes from a store and not Goodwill, but you can really tell the difference. I also have a new computer (a PC!) that I'm writing this from. It's pretty keen. I also helped buy food for the graduation party my mother's having for me (so many of my former teachers are coming, it's like a "This is Your Life" special.
Speaking of Graduation....
That is the hat of a WINNER. I'm really pleased it came out so well. (I also love the shadow of it's tiny arm on the table.)
How's everyone else doing?