Sep 08, 2011 14:30
Finally got power/internet back last weekend after the hurricane. Yay! First thing I did was to plug in my newly repaired PS3 and go play Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I think I am currently half-way through and I'm definitely already thinking of a second playthrough of the game. It's because there are so many ways to do the levels/areas and missions that you are assigned that you clearly miss things along the way.
There are three main ways to do a mission: stealth, stealth combat, and open combat. The latter of the three is not quite recommended unless you're really good at shooting. Adam Jensen is pretty much a glass cannon - and the experience points gained by killing a room full of soldiers versus just sneaking through and getting the bonuses is far less. I've done a couple of missions on open combat and it was hard going. Like watching my inventory of hard earned bullets deplete because some stupid robotic dog-thing would not die from the sheer amount I was pumping into the thing.
Anyways, the protagonist is Adam Jensen who is the head of security for Sarif Industries, a moderate-sized company who specializes in augmentation (the cool looking Robocop cyborg arms, legs, implants, etc.). He nearly dies in an attack on the company that took the life of many of his co-workers including his ex-girlfriend Dr. Megan Reed (newly ex it seems) and is brought back to life (like something out of Mass Effect 2's Commander Shepard rebuild montage) with augments. Afterwards, he's sent on missions to discover who is attacking his company and pretty much his chance to get back at the people who turned his life upside down.
The graphics, especially when talking to people, are moderately okay for facial animations, but the FMVs are Square Enix pretty. Granted that Eidos Montreal's parent company, I expect no less. The color palatte and the building designs though, I can wax poetic about them so much. So pretty and very evocative of Blade Runner. Voice acting is spot on, even with Jensen's hoarse voice (which I so can see Keanu Reeves playing this role if it was made into a movie). A side note, do not play Assassin's Creed 2 after playing Deus Ex...Federico's voice actor is Jensen's - makes for some utterly trippy voicing.
I've already gone over the game mechanics, but I can say this game is really good so far. I have some inkling of what's going on (the plot was a little easy to guess), but we shall see if they come to fruitition. But regardless, I cannot stress how highly recommended this game is. It's just that good...
Hmm...muses are plotting to cross over AC and Deus Ex. Bad muses. :D
P.S. - Yes, I am writing, yes I am. Sorta. Now leave me alone.