Jeffrey Vincent Matrachisia's Aliases
Your movie star name: Mini Weinies Johnny
Your fashion designer name is Jeffrey Green Bay
Your socialite name is Shadow China
Your fly girl / guy name is J Mat
Your detective name is Two-headed Kangaroo Charles Finney
Your barfly name is Chocolate Covered Ants Kiddy Cocktail
Your soap opera name is Vincent Nine Mile Point Road
Your rock star name is Candy Crap Bob The Streaker
Your star wars name is Jefste Matchr
Your punk rock band name is The Horny Egg Of Chaos
The Amazing Meganame Generator Ah, that gave me a laugh... mainly the rock star name and punk rock band name... especially the rock star name... apparantly I'm Candy Crap Bob the Streaker... wow... haha... anyways, just had to put this...