May 11, 2005 16:14
Ah, I like my new userpics. And no matter what others may say, I think the anime picture is way kawaii! haha, I probably sound like such a dork, especially since I'm a guy, but... Christina and I are more kawaii!
Anyways, today was a little weird. I dunno, felt like my whole day was thrown off because all day I was gettin' signatures for my application. Turned it in. VOTE JEFF MATRACHISIA FOR VICE-PRESIDENT!!! My slogan is "A vote for Jeff is a vote for freedom!" haha, Frank thought it up. Well, things look okay... 'cept Tabitha is running against me. Gah. And Sarah said she'll vote for me if I vote for her for President, and I agreed... but after I found out Jen is running for President as well. That stinks. Jen's my friend. I wanna vote for her. I don't wanna go back on my word, but... like I said, Jen's my friend, and personally I'd rather have her as our President. Either way, I know I'll at least be supporting Jen. Frank has no opponant so far for Treasurer, so he might get it by default. Same thing with Jen Hoag for Secretary. And we don't seem to have anyone running for Chaplain. If I spelled that right.
Not much else happened today. And I gotta go. I need to finish my homework and babysit. My dad might take me to Target tonight. I'm gonna get Donkey Konga 2. haha, I'm such a dork! But I'm Christina's dork! hahah, hugs and kisses my love! And I say more kisses than hugs to make up for the fact that we share more hugs than kisses! heheh, thinkin' of Flower City... ;)