Nov 27, 2006 09:45
Just like this entry's subject says, I need a break. A long one would be nice, but not necessary; even just a weekend without work would do. School has me so busy that it's not even funny, and work just adds to it. I haven't had a real day off--i.e. no school AND no work--in... wow. Months, I suppose. *sighs*
Anyways, here's what I have due this week, unless I've forgotten anything...
Monday: Story rewrite, example story (Feature Writing)
Tuesday: Original satire, 3-5 pages (Satire); Poetry packet? (Not sure on this one)
Wednesday: Lesson plan and tutoring
Thursday: Poem (Poetry)
Friday: Debate with Gina, 2 papers, 5 or so pages each (all for Debate); lesson plan and tutoring
Not too-too bad, but here's my work schedule:
M: 4:30-12:00 (or later)
W: 4:30-12:00 (or later)
F: 4:30-12:00 (or later)
S: 4:30-12:00 (or later)
No work on Tuesday or Thursday, as I'm listed Unavailable, but I have to get all my homework done then.
I didn't even get a chance to veg out and relax over Thanksgiving break. Ugh.
I'm so tempted to just not sign up for ANY classes next semester, but I know I should't do that to myself. I'm burning out, though, and with no time to recharge, I really might just take a semester off.
All that being said, I don't mean to complain, really. Things could always be a lot worse.
How did everyone's Thanksgiving go, anyways?