Halloween. W00t and such.

Oct 30, 2005 09:40

Short update, as I'm too lazy to make a real one. Ugh. So tired...

  • Went to school
  • Ate lunch with Amanda and Fern at Piccadillys (or however you spell it)
  • Worked from 2:45 - 7:30 (and stayed a bit later than that talking to Rhonda about Jackson)
  • Waited for Konnie, read bits of the books I'm supposed to have finished for class already (Far From the Madding Crowd and Sons and Lovers)
  • Debated with Kelly over movie vs. haunted houses (I was for the latter, as was Konnie)
  • Watched movie trailers w/Konnie on IMDB (so much fun, sadly enough... but sort of a downer, since everything we watched either releases in, like, weeks, or will never release in town)
  • Realized Kelly and Josh left us without saying goodbye
  • Went to Hastings with Konnie; saw Kelly and Josh; picked out movies to buy, but ended up not in the mood and sort of disappointed, so didn't buy them; bought a TATU cd instead
  • Started to go home
  • Whipped into the parking lot of a haunted house instead; there was no line
  • Bought glowy necklaces and bracelets, because I can't resist glowy things
  • Almost strangled Konnie in my fright; nearly died laughing and screaming (the haunted house was largely cheesy and funny, but that didn't prevent me from being scared nonstop)
  • Went home
  • Sat on the front porch with Mom and Konnie for, like, an hour, petting the stray cat I've adopted (her name is Samantha, unless she ends up being male, in which case I shall just call her Sam)
  • Talked with Konnie for about half an hour after Mom went to bed
  • Said goodbye to Konnie; went to sleep

  • Woke up at 6:30; showered; left to go to school at 7:25
  • Waited around, talked to 2 English grad students in Sigma Tau Delta; avoided Dr. Fields
  • Went to the Habitat for Humanity site
  • Primed wood for about three hours and 45 minutes
  • Held ladders for about 30 minutes
  • Ate chicken salad sandwich, chips, way-too-salty pickles, a brownie, and purple grapes which I loved past all imagination (and I hate purple grapes)
  • Rode home with a different guy in his AWESOME van: a Volkswagon van, ancient, with bench, bed, table, etc. (Dr. Fields rode on the floor so I could sit on the bench)
  • Got home and slept for hours
  • Woke up, went on Gaia and got some Grunny Halloween items
  • Went to bed and dreamt a happy, slashy dream featuring Steven/Hyde and Fez from That 70s Show

    And the miracle of Saturday? Dr. Fields has always creeped me out, and I've never liked him. Now... he's still sorta creepy, but he's a really nice and funny guy. Yay.

    And today, I'm still covered in paint despite multiple attempts to wash it off, and I'm pretty sore. And I have work in two or three hours. And I need to stop beginning my sentences with "And."

    Hope you all have a great Halloween tomorrow!
  • konnie, school

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