Not much doin' lately. Applied to some interesting places that sound like fun and others that don't sound like as much fun (I'm looking at you CIA).
I'm going to try an spill some paint on bristol board today, just to see what happens.
I was watching TV (Bones) the other night and this woman was standing in front of a wall covered with some of the most brilliant art I'd seen in years. Bright colors, wonder free form. Of course they we're all finger-paintings in Crayola tempra on newsprint by pre-schoolers. But they were brilliant.
Actually they reminded me of college. My pal, Cyber Jim, did an installation called "1000 drawings". Basically he papered the entire main hall of the art building, from floor to ceiling, with drawings. Most of them look like they were done by someone in the 5-7 year range. Still effect of the shear volume was impressive.