(no subject)

Aug 11, 2007 20:37

5 am -
Seeing as I couldn't sleep over night, I found myself heading downstairs into the kitchen to fetch me something to eat. I had grabbed a bowl, and a can of soup and was prepping to set the soup into the microwave. But I stopped due to hearing a strange sound. I walked out of the kitchen to where my cat was laying, I looked at him and he was convulsing and what seemed to be hacking or choking. It stopped shortly after, I didn't think anything of it so I returned to the kitchen and put my soup into the microwave. Before it finished, I heard my cats faint meows and then silence. Before heading up to eat my soup, I stood before his bed and looked at him; laying motionless. I had assumed he was asleep, but remembering how old he is he probably died. However it looked like he was still breathing, so I gave him a few pets before heading up.

5.5 am -
Shortly after heading up, I sat before my notebook and logged into SL to try and talk to a friend who maybe would know what to make of the events that I had witnessed earlier. Being so early in the morning, very few were online; so I had made due with one person who I had known for a long while who was nearby. I told him about the previous events and came to a conclusion that he had died but just hoped that it wasn't really true; he hoped that he was going to recover and all would be well again.

6 am -
I had finished my soup and had told my friend I was communing with on SL and said that I would tell my father when he gets up. Before my father woke, I return downstairs to place my bowl into the sink to be washed later. Once again, before heading back upstairs I sat down before my cats bed giving him some gentle pets hoping he was okay; no reaction. I held his tail and let it go; it just fell limp-- I repeated the same thing with one of his forepaws; it was stiff and difficult to move so I didn't do anything further. I returned up to my room and brought my findings to my friend who I was talking to earlier.

6.5 am -
I once again repeated myself to my friend saying that I'll talk to my father about what I had witnessed and would have to log out of SL. And before long, I heard my parents' door open. I parted SL, and went to the outside of my door and told my father about what I had seen. He told me that he probably had died which was my original assumption. We looked at him and saw that it appeared that he was still breathing; so we grabbed a blanket/towel of some sort and put that around him while he lay in his bed. Before long we would take him to an emergency veterinary clinic to have him looked at.

7 am -
We had arrived at the clinic, the parking lot seemed empty but it was 7 am in the morning. My father went in to see if the place was open and it was confirmed. I grabbed my cat who still lay silently in the bed wrapped in the blanket/towel. It seemed like he sneezed but I looked closely at the towel and I saw no breathing movement. I took him in the clinic, and gave him the veterinary desk clerk who gave the cat in the bed and box to a doctor around the wall in the back. She came back and confirmed what I had assumed 2 hours ago; he passed. Possibly due to old age (approximately 16 or so y.o.a.).

7.5 am -
We paid for a standard burial, about $95 without marking of the grave site. And then we left the clinic. When we returned into the car, I told my father about me talking to my friend online about it. I also told him that I was correct about what I had told my friend as well; I had witnessed the last moments of my cats life in this world


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