About 15 hours of work for each (totaling about 30 hours; 1st image was done within one day [2006/06/30] and the 2nd was done over a course of three days [2006/06/24-27]). Done entirely digitally with a corded ball mouse in oC 4.06E Plus. I call them Conbadge 'Teasers' because they contain fanart (1st one is Pikachu [I named him Gun for some reason, follow through with Japanese ideas though] from Pokémon and the 2nd one is a Bori from
Neopets.com) which are things that I won't be doing in conbadges at all (certain situations may be allowed however). Print size is 5 (length) by 4 (height) inches.
Question to those who bother to comment on this: Should I probably post this in those communities that display the art of 'furry' users of LiveJournal?