Thursday - 14 June 2012
Not only is it another NBN Thursday in the valley, but today is also
Flag Day.
In Team DiVa news: The girls apparently want to skip crawling and go straight to walking:
Vanessa (l) and Diana
They are “cruising,” where they’ll hold onto something and attempt to use it to toddle around. But, anything that makes a sound sometimes distracts them, which leads to a problem with that pesky “balance” thing that they haven’t managed to overcome yet… and most often winds up with a gravity-induced sitting down.
Diana will… pseudo-crawl… but that’s usually only under duress and/or to get closer to someone who will hopefully pick her up. Go figure.
Last night, Sara! (a.k.a. “She Who Still Rules”) and I watched
John Carter (not to be confused with
Coach Carter) for Movie Date Night.
I haven’t read Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars yet, so I don’t know how faithful or far afield the movie’s plot was from the source material. But, it was an enjoyable film. Yes, we did wind up MST3K-ing parts, but… *shrug*… what’re ya gonna do?
Stray Toasters
Originally published at
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