“… and I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.”

Apr 29, 2011 08:51

Friday - 29 April 2011

It’s my 9/80 Friday off.

image Click to view

It’s also 7:30 (well, it was when I started this…) in the morning. So, why am I up so early on my day off, especially if “early morning feedings” don’t start for another four or so months? (Sleep Can Wait. The Birds Are Angry) No… the real reason is: I took Logan and Swiz to the airport this morning; they’re winging their way to the California coast. I figured that I’m used to being up this early and I could easily deal with getting up and getting them to the airport. Ain’t nothin’ but a thang. Besides, I don’t have a whole lot on tap today, so if I need to catch a mid-afternoon nap… I can.

Last night, SaraRules! went to visit a friend whom she hadn’t seen in close to ten years. I got to stay home and be a bachelor for a few hours. This translated to: “Rob sitting on the couch, eating pizza and drinking Guinness, while watching the 2011 NFL Draft.” And it was good. Selah.

Good picks all the way around. And a good way to spend the evening.

Stray Toasters

Current Mood: awake and caffeinating...

geekery, business and economy, the world, whiskey tango foxtrot...?!, family and friends, comics and animation, space, everyday glory, art, dance, news and info, style and fashion, music, movies and tv, science and technology, games, football

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