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With Zombie Jesus Day Easter rapidly approaching, children’s thoughts will undoubtedly turn to thoughts of colored eggs, Easter baskets, and lots and lots of candy.
I won’t go into the usual “What do eggs and bunnies have to do with Christ dying on the cross?” line of questions, as we aren’t debating the absorption of “pagan” beliefs/rites into Christianity. Nor is this a plug for Chocolate Jesus Crunchies - A righteous part of your family’s breakfast.
Instead, let’s focus our attention on another staple of Spring: Cadbury Easter Eggs. They’re sweet, chocolatey, creme-filled goodness… in a colorful foil wrapper. Amen. *genuflect* And you can’t have Cadbury Easter Eggs without the Cadbury Bunny, can you?
Of course not.
So, you can imagine how astonished - and covetous - I was to discover that you can now have your very own Cadbury Clucking Bunny Plush Toy!
(click image for more information)
How cool is that?!