Some rainy views from the porch
Arrrrgh its raining again, pouring out I have no doubt its going to be very green in Southern California this year,
It almost feels like Im living in Seattle, and I dont even own rain boots or more then one umbrella for that matter,
What a crappy day not only is it raining but the Post office isnt even open to expect some goodies arriving, HA I feel like I should be singing Rain Rain go away come again another day. Someone told me that thirty years ago this pretty much was the way it was in Southern California during the rainy season, One could always expect downpours during the rain season here. I guess by the time I got here things had changed and maybe just maybe we would see like one or two days of rain thru it all but I guess with Global warming all that is changing, and were going back to a time when you actually could predict the weather during its seasons. If thats the case Im going shopping today and buying rain gear and a few umbrellas to keep in the house and car just in case .
On a higher note I am getting a male BJD.. Wooo hoooo I was able to touch bases with his lovely seller and Im assured hes sitting there just waiting to get in a box and get to me soon, I can hardly wait who would of thunk this
All girl Bjd lover would decide to add a male, Its only going to be one though I really dont have the room to start hording boy clothing too. the girls are already up to there eyeballs in clothing and since getting into the period dress we have already accumulated a dozen or so rococo gowns. to which I had to go buy a trunk just to house it all and its filled just about , so where in gods name would I store the boy stuff. No hes going to be pretty scantly dressed maybe an outfit or two but thats where I draw the line mostly because Im going to have too. Lord I hope he doesnt want to become a fashion hound.. oops did I say hound hehehe perhaps a play on words is all .
Poor Truman is under house arrest , he and Brett were doing there usual Im the alpha male thing and truman jumped up and ripped Bretts jeans and along with it one of his teeth went in Bretts back leg. Bad dog I dont think he knew what he was doing when he did it. but hes not allowed in the bedroom or near Brett now so hes pretty confined to only some rooms and not others while Brett is home. Hes the sweetest thing really but when it comes to Brett they get into it and Truman challenges him ugh..
Im not sure if Im going to make this a shopping day or not , it looks pretty nasty out there right now. perhaps I will just stay home and get the girls redressed for some photos. Unless of course I decide I want to swim to the car and chance it. God I hope our trees hold up, some have come tumbling down in the neighborhood already .
Time to have coffee and go decide if I want to walk in mud puddles today .Uck