What I've been up too

Jan 08, 2008 23:15

Ah livejournal... aka not facestalk.

I haven't posted on here for a number of months, mainly due to a lack of time and also a lack of interesting things to write about. But since I have more time as I'm no longer president of BAKA and I'm effectively done school, I can now dedicate my time to other ventures. Either way, here are some of the things I've been up too lately.

Online Coordinator of the Gateway
Part of the reason you still see me on campus is because I'm still employed by the Gateway to handle their website. It's been an ok job, it just continues to rotate between something painfully easy and tedious to a task that's like defusing a bomb blindfolded while riding a unicycle.

Grand Editor: Victor. Lets put out a newsletter.

Victor: Sure, that's easy.

Grand Editor: But it must have pictures in it.

Victor: Um.... do I have too?

Grand Editor: Yes... all the other papers have pictures in their newsletter....

Victor: But you realize how insanely difficult it is?!

Grand Editor: Find a way...

Victor: ... fine.

Grand Editor: By the way, the website server is dying and we can't move it from the server because of one line of code. Can you find that line?

Victor: ......... alright.

Animethon/ASAPA Adventures
Of coarse the fun of the gateway online fun couldn't possibly compare to the nightmare that is the simple task I promised I'd do...

Sometime in July

Lord Chan: Go forth Vargas, and find the secrets of the website!

Victor: Ok that sounds easy. Where's the information?

Lord Chan: Seek out the Jared.

Jared: Here you go!

Victor: This information... it's worthless.

Jared: It's not, you just don't know anything.

Victor: wtf... alright, I guess I'll find it myself.

And so for 6 month, the Vargas Lord traveled across the land, searching for the 4 mythical passcodes of destiny. He fought Pohnerts, Chans, and other foul things. Many times he thought the quest had come to an end.... and just when he thought he was defeated.. he'd hear the words of Lord Chan.

Lord Chan: The high council of Asapa gave you sweeping powers to recover these passcodes! Get too it.

Victor: That doesn't help me! Those are just meaningless words.

Lord Chan: The high council of Asapa gave you sweeping powers to get the codes! Chop! Chop!

Victor: Urgh...

And of coarse there was Baka...
Jon: I'm Jon Berry, President of Baka! How goes the club?

Secretary: Your majesty, Chibi has stolen the projector.

Jon: Pity. But we still have a fleet of projectors, correct?

Secretary: No... those were stolen as well.

Jon: Alright... how about the super nintendo.

Secretary: That belonged to Victor


Secretary: Sorry!

Jon: Only speak of him as the old president, we are in a new age now.

Well at least there is always family
Father: So, are you gay or something?

Victor: No... I am not gay.

Father: Alright, I just want grandchildren, that's all.

Victor: Oh, more meat for the grinder. I'm thinking no.

Father: Nonsense! All I want is to tell them my stories.

Victor: Stories about whores and blowing up things aren't exactly for normal kids.

Father: Victor, you really have to learn to revise history to your benefit.

Victor: Oh, and how should I do that.

Father: Well instead of telling them you descended from Ale & Whores, try European nobility.

Victor: And my childhood?

Father: You were into boxing....

Victor: And my business ventures. I have a fleet of projectors and no where to rent them from.

Father: Run it from home. Your a self made man.

Victor: And the field of lentil?

Father: Summer home.

Victor: And that no one really publishes my stuff?

Father: You are too deep to be understood.

Victor: Great I can feel retarded....

Father: No, you're already retarded. This way you can hide it from everyone else.

Well lets see what 2008 brings.


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