Dec 02, 2009 13:39
Swamped with work. Repressing rants.
Today's minuses:
1. Brought my notecards and rulebook with me so that I could make quick-reference index cards for my new spells. (My D&D character just leveled up, and I'm an organized nerd. I have all my frequent-use spells - especially the combat ones - copied out onto index cards.) However, I was in a rush this morning and grabbed Complete Arcane instead of Spell Compendium. No joy.
You know what? I think I'll just stop at that one.
Today's pluses:
1) Found some awesome sweaters at a designer sale I went to with my cousin on Monday. $7 each. I am in day two of Awesome New Sweaters happiness.
2) Bought apple slices with my Subway veggie sub, and the apple slices are truly excellent. Best quality apples I've had in a long time. So good, in fact, that they inspired this post.
3) Tintagel from BPAL smells just like Christmas to me. I smell like cinnamon and bayberry candles.
4) I can watch the baby kick and make my belly move, and it amuses me way more than it should.
just life