Finally got around to it...

Jul 26, 2008 23:12

I've pruned my FL some.  I've removed all the "no longer users" people and groups, and removed some people that I don't really know terribly well.  I don't comment on their posts and they don't comment on mine, or they just don't post period, or they're friends of friends (that I'm not really friends with the first person anymore).

It's not a personal thing - in fact, that's exactly the reason.   I'm not pissed at anyone, but there are some people that had been reading about my life that I really don't know a damn thing about and I'm not entirely comfortable with that anymore.  I'll have casual-or-less friends on my MySpace page and that stuff, but not right up in my business.

So there it is.  Sorry if anyone's pissed.  There's no intent to start and/or continue any itraweb drama, so I hope no one takes it as such.  I'm just bringing my laundry in from the line in the yard.

Edited to remove any further potential for crybaby, idiot drama by disabling comments.  I've deleted the responses that make people look like flaming retards in the attempt to protect them from themselves, since they can't be trusted to do that for themselves.  Pretty damn sad that people had to make MY journal and MY decisions about who can read it be all about them.  I could have just filtered people out and not been honest, but instead I opted for a no-bullshit mentality.  But what can I truly expect?  Some people just suck, I guess, and at least I'm now shut of them.

Once again, I'm sorry that I wish to return to having some privacy in my life, and not just deleting people to leave them wondering what was up.

Now run along and try to talk trash about me elsewhere, because that makes people want to be friends with you, really it does....
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