
Mar 24, 2006 07:34

My day-to-day activities have taken an unexpected turn. Before, when I would only occasionally pick up a book with an interesting-sounding back cover, read it for about two months and not start a new one for a long time... basically I wasn't a fan of reading books other than the series I had become interested in over the years. Collections such as Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Charlie Bone, Magic Circle... the only thing that hasn't changed about my book taste is that it has to be at least a fantasy book. Sci-fi... not so important, me likes the fantasy, dunno know why, just do. Anyway, I've fallen into a rut. I wake up, eat breakfast (while reading), do work, eat lunch (while reading), do some more work, eat dinner (usually without the reading), and go to bed (which really means read until I'm too tired to move my eyes). I'll start a book, and two days later, I'll start a new one... And I'm not a very fast all. My sister Rachael can read a book about ten times faster than I can (but if we're both reading a book at the same time, it's more of a fight to see who can have custody of the book for longer, hence finishing it faster).
My day no longer feels complete if I know I just finished a book that I had become very interested in. The book's over, that's it. So then it's tie to start a new one. Always fantasy, two days for the book. For example, I started Heir Apparent yesterday and I couldn't put it down until I discovered that there was no more story. And what's this with the: "Books ake you smarter" thing? What's that about? they don't make you smarter, you just sit there in a vegitative state, reading about someone who might not even exist. You sit there, ya' read your book, you finish it and you start a new one! DOES IT NEVER END!? THIS CONTINUOUS CYCLE BETWEEN YOU AND THE PAPER G-D, CONSTANTLY SITTING BEFORE IT AND OFFERING TO IT YOUR LIFE!?
I've gone half a day, HALF A STINKING DAY, without a book, and I feel all depresed that I don't have anything to read, that I'm wasting my time not reading. Like this little diddy going thorugh my head: I could be reading right now. And no! I don't mean those poor-excuse-for-fine-literature text books with the bijillions of stories in outdated english with weird characters and situations to which the solutions make no sence at all. No, I mean the cool stories with characters I can relate to, who are around my age, who get into and out of situations it would be almost impossible to get into in the first place. And they're made up, THEY'RE MADE UP and everybody wants to be them. Everybody wants to be Harry Potter, everyone wants to be apprentice to a great mage. But 'cha can't! Only they can, AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN REAL. I can't even just go to sleep anymore... I gotta read 'smore, I gotta have my fix... What the heck?!
Oh, and I got an e-card from Rachael today...yaaaay! My existanse has been acknowledged, the messiah will now descend from heaven...Quick! plant a tree...Quick! eat all the hummatz, passover'saround th'corner, break out the special plates, we gonna party like we were just freed from hundreds of years of slavery. Break out the Manischevitz, don't be shy, Elija ain't driving tonight!
Why on earth do I feel so much like Robbie right now?
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