Details about me! (Stolen from Tiel's journal. ^..^)

Sep 23, 2006 02:20

"Wow, its been a very long time since I've last been on LJ, but hey, I've had no reason to really since no one ever replies to any journals I post. Which made me even question why the hell I even had a damned journal, but oh well. Just thought I'd post this up here anyways, a little something I thought was really nice when I found it on Tiel's journal and thought I'd use it for myself as well." ^..^


Single or Taken:: Single

Happy about that:: Not really, though I don't complain

Eye color:: Brown

Shoe size:: 9 1/2

Height:: 5'4"

What are you wearing right now?:: just my undies and leather collar. >..> <..<

Righty or Lefty:: Right

Can you make a dollar in change right now?:: yes

Kind of pants:: Jeans

Animal:: Dog

Drink:: Shirley Temple

Month:: July

Favorite cartoon:: too many to name.


Given anyone a bath:: yes

Bungee Jumped?:: no, don't really plan to.

Made yourself throw-up?:: yes, only 'cause I was already feeling like I was gonna throw up, though my body just wouldn't and it wasn't letting me sleep, so I figured I'd just make myself do it so I can get back to sleep, seeing as it happened around 2:30 am or so and I had to get up early that morning.

Skinny dipped?:: no, but I'd love to

Loved someone so much it made you cry?:: nope

Broken a bone:: yes, both bones in my left forearm, hurt like a bitch

Played truth or dare:: yes

Been in a physical fight:: who hasn't?

Been on a plane:: lots of times

Came close to dying:: at least once, maybe twice

Been in a hot tub:: oh yes, loved it and wish I could own a hot tub

Fallen asleep in school:: came close to falling asleep, though I was more of dosing

Ran away:: wanted to a few times

Broken someone's heart:: yes, though I try not to break someones heart, but sometimes its unavoidable

Cried when someone died:: no, I virtually never cry, not sure why

Fell off your chair:: yes, the damned chair broke, what else could I do?

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:: nope, no one ever calls me

Saved AIM conversations:: nope

Used someone:: I'd never do that to anyone

Been cheated on:: nope


Beside you:: my laptop, desktop computer, x-box, tv, snack items

Last thing you ate:: Homestyle Bake: Chicken and Biscuits, very yummy.

Chicken pox:: yes

Sore Throat:: yes

Stitches:: yes, got the scar to prove it

Broken nose:: nope

DO YOU BELIEVE IN.. love at first sight:: no, people only feel in love because they find the other to be physically attractive and don't know what the others personality is like.

Long distant relationships:: yes

Liked school:: I liked my senior year, I even liked my College Prep class (Where we wrote/edited/annotated essays)

Question yourself::
Who makes you smile the most?:: don't know right now

Who knows you the best:: not too sure

Do you like filling these out:: they're interesting, lets one know more about themselves

Do you get along with your family:: mostly, my dad can be a pain to deal with at times....

What did you do yesterday:: worked as a food runner from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm, went to the bank, then came home, watched tv and played Silkroad Online

What car/truck do you wish to have:: Honda Civic, great gas mileage

Have a lava lamp?:: no, but my brother does

How many remote controls are in your house?:: 5 I think

Are you double jointed?:: no

When did you last shower?:: yesterdy

Scary or Funny Movies?:: both

Chocolate or Vanilla:: both

Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper:: both

Summer or winter:: summer

Silver or Gold:: silver

Diamond or pearl:: don't care

Sprite or 7up:: either works

Coffee or tea:: tea, coffee tastes too bitter to me

Phone or in person:: both work


Talk to someone you liked:: yes

Buy something:: no

Get sick:: no, but felt a little sick earlier, not a good idea to do 100 push-ups and 75 sit-ups on a rather full stomach

Miss someone:: yes

Slept in your bed:: Myrmidon

Saw/heard you cry:: my mom last time we fought back in March or May

Made you cry:: Mom

Said "I Love You" to:: can't remember

Ever been in a fight with your pet:: just wrestled with him a bit, though it was years ago

Been to Mexico:: Yes, went to Cosumel

Been to Europe:: No, but I really want to so I can meet a few close friends of mine. ^..^


Do you have a crush on someone right now:: no

What book are you reading now:: Breaking The Ice

Future KIDS names:: don't have any

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:: yes, with a giant labrador plushie. ^..^

What's under your bed:: carpet

Favorite sports:: too many to name

What are you most scared of right now?:: not being able to find someone I can love IRL

Who do you really hate?:: I don't hate anyone

Do you have a pet?:: no

Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?:: a couple, though only online

Are you lonely right now?:: yes

Song that's stuck in your head right now?:: I Wonder Why by L'Amour Toujours

Have you ever played strip poker:: yes

Have you ever been on radio/TV:: nope

Have you ever been in a mosh-pit:: nope

Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed?:: no one

Favorite Locations:: my room, the movie theatre


Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex?:: nothing

Your Favorite Food?:: pizza, steak, fettucini alfredo

Ever get so drunk you don't remember?:: not old enough to drink, and if I were, I probably wouldn't drink much of anything at all

Are you too shy to ask someone out?:: no one to ask out, and even if there were, I'd be too shy to ask them out

Hugs or Kisses?:: both are good

Dogs or cats?:: prefer dogs, though I don't mind cats

Favorite Flower?:: none

Have you ever fired a gun?:: ohhhh yes, lots of times, even been in a trap shooting competition a year ago

How many pillows do you sleep with?:: just one

Are you missing someone right now?:: my cousin Shane

Have any pets that died that you miss?:: yes, my moms Wheaten Terrier Shelby

"and thats everything! Though i don't expect anyone to be replying to this at all, but oh well, I'm used to it, mostly." XP

Shadow 'da hidden wuffie!' Nightclaw
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